with rhymes, the time,
it sauntered on,
a dark light filled the air
people passed,
came and left,
surprised, for why should one care
for another so odd
yet came, and shared
spilling words out
an aura of several lifetimes
merged, mixed,
swirling souls
uncommon, a heart was bared
and understood
it far surpassed what i had supposed. more people showed up than i had expected. five schools represented. not too shabby. i felt more sheepish that i should have due to the fact, however. you guys are all hummers, ya know? truely amazing. especially matthias and t-man. rock on. i wish that more of those who just came had shared, i wish that the list had been used, so that it might have been more contiguous, but what to do? hahaha, and my dad shared a poem. it made me giggle.
bahahaha! i told t-man that it would work. my plotting, scheming, and subterfuge, such as it was. but he just laughed as the little bird and the duck crept into the bear cave. bwah ha...ha. i'm such a nerd. thanks for hanging out with us 9c. i'm glad that you guys came. i'm sorry that i still yet failed to introduce myself. i suppose that perhaps i will yet remain a miss terri.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
it's coming. i saw it this afternoon as i woke up from a nap. mavis brought me the first little bit, and the rest is on the way. i can feel it rising, swelling like the returning tide, filtering in through the cracks of my white-washed walls. i'm going to be patient though. i can't let myself jump the gun; i get too excited and won't pay any attention to anything. still, how can one not be anxious to live? no, i must be content, and wait. It's Coming, i can feel the sunshine.
Monday, February 20, 2006
-part one-
the ocelot called from the warm land of sand and sun. i hate that fweakin' marshmallow. no, not really. i really love her guts and miss her bodatious personality. as much as i adore the geek, i don't fit in with the band. Anyway, the cat was frazzled and got me mildly so myself. BEATNIK IS SATURDAY! we still need to plaster flyers, dance for tigerline, talk to people, make sure that there is someone to open the door to set up, make sure that there are people TO set up and run everything, clarify with the advisor, make brownies, and write a stupid intro. mavis, bring your camera, cause it's either going to be fabulous, or we'll want to have documentation as my brain explodes and oozes out my eyeballs. help me obi-wan. OliveR...
-part two-
why am i the funnest person to set up in the world? i'm afraid to count how many marriages are being arranged for me. i can think of three that have come into play in the last week. lets start with the weekend shall we? so, there's this guy in smiley's ward that goes to a private school. after i met him, i foolishly expressed interest in smiley's general vicinity. since then i don't see him without the undertone of Him present. friday we went on a double date around the byu and then stargazing on the roof of the car (it was FrEEzing by the way). He's okay, but not really as much of my type as i thought. problem is, He's interested now, and smiley's set on picking out curtains and carpet. i'm going to His basketball game wednesday. what do i do?! arg!
but it gets better! on another circle, there was a stake dance last saturday, and this boy that used to be in my ward came. his mom has been planning our wedding since before i can remember. he's homeschooled, so he doesn't have a lot of friends and i tried to make him feel welcome and comfortable, and failed miserably. it was so awkward sometimes. On instance was as the band there started to play "white dresses" he came up and asked me to dance, probably the only girl that he had or would ask. NO! i promised the tomcat that i wouldn't dance to the song (he wrote it, that's another story). i had to say no, and when i looked for him after to dance with him the next slow song, i could find him. he'd left. i'm such a jerk, what do i do?
arg! why do these problems hunt me down? i don't do anything. help me obi-wan! oh wait...
the ocelot called from the warm land of sand and sun. i hate that fweakin' marshmallow. no, not really. i really love her guts and miss her bodatious personality. as much as i adore the geek, i don't fit in with the band. Anyway, the cat was frazzled and got me mildly so myself. BEATNIK IS SATURDAY! we still need to plaster flyers, dance for tigerline, talk to people, make sure that there is someone to open the door to set up, make sure that there are people TO set up and run everything, clarify with the advisor, make brownies, and write a stupid intro. mavis, bring your camera, cause it's either going to be fabulous, or we'll want to have documentation as my brain explodes and oozes out my eyeballs. help me obi-wan. OliveR...
-part two-
why am i the funnest person to set up in the world? i'm afraid to count how many marriages are being arranged for me. i can think of three that have come into play in the last week. lets start with the weekend shall we? so, there's this guy in smiley's ward that goes to a private school. after i met him, i foolishly expressed interest in smiley's general vicinity. since then i don't see him without the undertone of Him present. friday we went on a double date around the byu and then stargazing on the roof of the car (it was FrEEzing by the way). He's okay, but not really as much of my type as i thought. problem is, He's interested now, and smiley's set on picking out curtains and carpet. i'm going to His basketball game wednesday. what do i do?! arg!
but it gets better! on another circle, there was a stake dance last saturday, and this boy that used to be in my ward came. his mom has been planning our wedding since before i can remember. he's homeschooled, so he doesn't have a lot of friends and i tried to make him feel welcome and comfortable, and failed miserably. it was so awkward sometimes. On instance was as the band there started to play "white dresses" he came up and asked me to dance, probably the only girl that he had or would ask. NO! i promised the tomcat that i wouldn't dance to the song (he wrote it, that's another story). i had to say no, and when i looked for him after to dance with him the next slow song, i could find him. he'd left. i'm such a jerk, what do i do?
arg! why do these problems hunt me down? i don't do anything. help me obi-wan! oh wait...
Thursday, February 16, 2006
an older alice
alice woke up in a pleasant enough way, with harmonious melodies swimmng merrily through her sea of consciousness. a tropical storm soon developed over the former tranquility however, and before the girl knew what was going on, she had fallen sideways through several strange doors, a car and found herself shivering on the cold, unforgiving tile floor of a strange building, wrought of a peculiar brick and mortar that was utterly unappealing in every way. deciding to make the best of an odd situation to which she saw no immediate relief, alice decided to explore the chilly institution.
she wandered through the building, and came upon crowds of people that were stranger than any she had ever met. with no direction or purpose, most would walk around in a daze, sometimes even completely halting for no apparent reason at all. through her exploration of the many corridors and halways of the building, alice found countless doors. she expected that there much be something very extensive and great in the building to need so many rooms to hold it, but upon opening them, she mearly found more of the directionless people and various lectures, most presented in a rather boring fashion, to no one, as not even the professors themselves gave them any heed. in one room, voices came in a sad strain:
the african prince mahuma,
had really nothing to do-a
as he went to put on his long shoes-a
he tripped, he fell, and he died, died, died...
finally, lost, tired, and extensively hungry, alice sat down and tried to think of what ought to be done next. her reverie was shattered when a piercing clank sounded from the very walls of the place. the crowd filled the halls with frightening sudden magnitude, and alice was quite powerless against the throng. she felt herself falling once again, the people, floors, and lights blurring into a senseless mush, that reminded alice of a time when her brother had burned berried oatmeal. in fact, as she thought, the oatmeal became more and more distinct in her mind.
alice opened her eyes , taking a long moment to focus on the floral pattern of her family's love seat. she yawned, smoothed her dress, and went grogily to find her sister. she failed to notice a small bookbag half open in the rocking chair.
she wandered through the building, and came upon crowds of people that were stranger than any she had ever met. with no direction or purpose, most would walk around in a daze, sometimes even completely halting for no apparent reason at all. through her exploration of the many corridors and halways of the building, alice found countless doors. she expected that there much be something very extensive and great in the building to need so many rooms to hold it, but upon opening them, she mearly found more of the directionless people and various lectures, most presented in a rather boring fashion, to no one, as not even the professors themselves gave them any heed. in one room, voices came in a sad strain:
the african prince mahuma,
had really nothing to do-a
as he went to put on his long shoes-a
he tripped, he fell, and he died, died, died...
finally, lost, tired, and extensively hungry, alice sat down and tried to think of what ought to be done next. her reverie was shattered when a piercing clank sounded from the very walls of the place. the crowd filled the halls with frightening sudden magnitude, and alice was quite powerless against the throng. she felt herself falling once again, the people, floors, and lights blurring into a senseless mush, that reminded alice of a time when her brother had burned berried oatmeal. in fact, as she thought, the oatmeal became more and more distinct in her mind.
alice opened her eyes , taking a long moment to focus on the floral pattern of her family's love seat. she yawned, smoothed her dress, and went grogily to find her sister. she failed to notice a small bookbag half open in the rocking chair.
thought you might enjoy. happy days, all!
Oh, to be in England for only 'alf a mo',
For w'en they speak of "wireless"
they mean a radio:
Where "private schools" are public,
and "public schools" are snobby,
And "insurance" means assurance
and a cop is called a "bobby".
Where traffic has a circus
and "up" is down the street,
Where a sweater is a "jumper"
and a candy is a "sweet";
Where a cookie is a "biscuit"
and a "trifle" a dessert,
And "bloody" is a cuss-word,
and an ad is an "advert".
Where gasoline is "petrol"
and a "stone" is fourteen pounds:
Where motor cars wear "bonnets"
and you take the "underground".
Where, when holding up your trousers,
it is "braces" that you use,
And a truck is called a "lorry"
and "boots" are really shoes.
Where a druggist is a "chemist"
and movies are "the flicks",
And you "queue up on the pavement"
for a "stall at 3 & 6".
There is no language barrier
and a tourist need not dread,
As long as he knows English
from A to Z, - no "Zed".
Oh, to be in England for only 'alf a mo',
For w'en they speak of "wireless"
they mean a radio:
Where "private schools" are public,
and "public schools" are snobby,
And "insurance" means assurance
and a cop is called a "bobby".
Where traffic has a circus
and "up" is down the street,
Where a sweater is a "jumper"
and a candy is a "sweet";
Where a cookie is a "biscuit"
and a "trifle" a dessert,
And "bloody" is a cuss-word,
and an ad is an "advert".
Where gasoline is "petrol"
and a "stone" is fourteen pounds:
Where motor cars wear "bonnets"
and you take the "underground".
Where, when holding up your trousers,
it is "braces" that you use,
And a truck is called a "lorry"
and "boots" are really shoes.
Where a druggist is a "chemist"
and movies are "the flicks",
And you "queue up on the pavement"
for a "stall at 3 & 6".
There is no language barrier
and a tourist need not dread,
As long as he knows English
from A to Z, - no "Zed".
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
cold hands, lukewarm heart
crazy utah weather *grumble grumble snort*. i scraped snow onto my feet going out to my car today. i'm getting psycological whiplash. the fake bake is looking more and more appealing every day.i want the sun, i want.., i want..to party. i want to party, party. yeah, anyway.
i finished a beautiful print today! it's the one thing that it going right with this assignment. perhaps it's just that print that i am meant to show. maybe it's really a manifestation of my deepest subconscious reaching out, trying to be noticed. that must be it.
in other news,, i'm thoroughly enjoying the atmosphere that san valentine left in his wake. all the females of the school (even the ones that did get stuff yesterday) are severely sexist around this time of year. it makes me laugh. they don't even notice. i know that even i follow the trend. i really, just, as much as i appreciate them, and ironically get along with them better than with most gals, i dislike males right now. *sigh* i want summer.
i finished a beautiful print today! it's the one thing that it going right with this assignment. perhaps it's just that print that i am meant to show. maybe it's really a manifestation of my deepest subconscious reaching out, trying to be noticed. that must be it.
in other news,, i'm thoroughly enjoying the atmosphere that san valentine left in his wake. all the females of the school (even the ones that did get stuff yesterday) are severely sexist around this time of year. it makes me laugh. they don't even notice. i know that even i follow the trend. i really, just, as much as i appreciate them, and ironically get along with them better than with most gals, i dislike males right now. *sigh* i want summer.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
rest stop
bathrooms are an important part of the intellectual processing of society. much can be learned about a group of people mearly from examining their bathrooms. as part of this, much can be learned from the writing in the bathrooms of a group of people. it's an important aspect. why is it that all public bathrooms have writing on them in the first place? it is a rather unique form of expression, though it's not localized to a particular area. by writing on the bathroom wall, you can write privately, yet the information is put forth for public consideration and enlightenment. it makes you wonder what the writing in the stalls of different places is like. like, central chicago vs. southern louisiana. or hawaii. or at standfort and oxford. i'm seriously considering grabbing a marker and jotting down some poetry in a bathroom stall.
Monday, February 06, 2006
part two

for those who do really dig photo, there is a year's worth of pictures on the blog mindofthephotographer.blogspot.com as a forwarning though, you may want to read lightly. goes with the territory. but the pictures are good if you want to look through his archives when you have some time. the blog is complete (it was only meant to last a year), so he doesn't post very often at all. but the frogurt is also cursed.... :D
Friday, February 03, 2006
days in frames

it's interesting to see progression through art. i developed the Reshoot of the studio shoot today, and you have a lot of time to think while holding the canister of fixer and doing the half-bouncy, sleepy baby mom-stroll around the dark room. the pictures turned out great, and what's better, ms. tuttle found that they Hadn't deleted the test pictures off of the digital, so i have a cd. good stuff. but it made me laugh to compare the pictures to those that i've taken through time. even just from last year, there's a marked style change. some of it just may be the mood of the studio, but i don't think that all of it is. it makes me wonder what happened that changed my style so much. the year may have had a lot to do with it (two best friends on missions, another married, the penguin, and other things). how have a changed? it's times like this that i wish that i could change lenses and look through another's perspective. how would i think of myself a couple years ago if i had seen what i would become? i wonder sometimes.
p.s.- the cat is eighth grade, the park is last april, and the rose is last week. they're a little out of order. hasta.
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