Monday, February 06, 2006

part two

for those who do really dig photo, there is a year's worth of pictures on the blog as a forwarning though, you may want to read lightly. goes with the territory. but the pictures are good if you want to look through his archives when you have some time. the blog is complete (it was only meant to last a year), so he doesn't post very often at all. but the frogurt is also cursed.... :D


nicole said...

Omg! I have the perfect Idea! Ok you get a shirt and some magic markers and you right yes, no and maybe. And just like all these ramdom things. Then he has to go over the shirt with the marker that makes it so he can see your answer. But make sure you circle the answer! (meaning yes!) Ya well that's one thing I would do!

Lindsey said...

Ooh, pretty picture...

Miru said...

i really like how you did the lighting on that pic, looks awesome!

Mavis Fausker said...

Ah yes, the cursing of junk. We need to make sure that combat-boots boy went to English.

I like that picture a lot too, bluebird. The exposure is cool.

miss terri said...

i answered with a fortue cookie in class.
it was a mess-up that turned out really cool. thanks!

mystery man12 said...

I like the picture I think I can write a song about it and maybe connect the other ones hmm. Any way the lighting is amazing I wish I could take pictures like that but I think I'll stick to the mental pictures.
Now to write.

nicole said...

How come I never am able to get into the conversation?

miss terri said...

sorry mia, we'll try. just easily distractable people i guess. keep trying. it's not on purpose.

nicole said...

Ok so, here it goes! I think the color in the picture below maybe could be a little bit more darker... I love the picture of the man and the girl hugging and she has the rose! I almost thought the picture above that one was a play ground in yakima! HEHE! Well sorry about commenting on this one!

miss terri said...

no worries. i let too much (about three times as much) light in the camara and it exposed it weird, but i liked it. where's yakima?

9c said...

whoa so i totally thought she was out on a sidewalk, but i guess not! that's an incredible picture! once again, you are absolutely amazing!