Thursday, February 23, 2006


it's coming. i saw it this afternoon as i woke up from a nap. mavis brought me the first little bit, and the rest is on the way. i can feel it rising, swelling like the returning tide, filtering in through the cracks of my white-washed walls. i'm going to be patient though. i can't let myself jump the gun; i get too excited and won't pay any attention to anything. still, how can one not be anxious to live? no, i must be content, and wait. It's Coming, i can feel the sunshine.


Mavis Fausker said...

You make me smile, bluebird.

When I saw the title, I thought you were talking about tomorrow night. There is soooooo much to do.

nicole said...

Are you talking about the weather?

Well of course silly! Your picture! What else? I think it would be nice to see you!

miss terri said...

it's SO pretty outside. i'm going out as soon as i get something.
there's not THAT much left to do. if there was time, yes, there would be a lot left to do, but by now, all there really is to do is wait and see how it flies. i think it will be fun. even if it's just the four of us, we'll hang out, sing songs, read poems, and have fun with our one chair. it won't be boring, though i'd feel bad for MW. being stuck with all of us in a small room for an hour? ha, i'm excited.

nope. not gonna happen. the point of being a photographer, is you're on the other end of the camera. and it's online. not gonna happen. sorry, hon.

nicole said...

OK!!!!! Whatever you say! But I mean come on! OK I WON'T SAY ANY MORE!!!

Ok so ya My life is pretty busy! I really don't know why either! Well i'll talk to you later!

miss terri said...

beat it out. it's a hummer.

nicole said...

I don't get it!
What do you mean?

Mavis Fausker said...

It won't just be the four of us. The malamute is coming, the tomcat is coming, another is coming, and we have the toucan. The last may not be the most welcome of guests, but his poetry is all right. Depressing, but good. See, I'm looking at the bright side! See! See!

I like being a cynical sadist better. Let's make fun of him without him knowing. Mwahaha!

9c said...

am i jumping the gun too soon by saying that I GET TO PLAY SOFTBALL OUTSIDE ON THE FIELDS OFFICIALLY ON MONDAY??? american sports...mmmm i can smell the grass already...

so, i don't know if you know this, mt, but i am planning on attending this exciting event you have worked so hard on. oh, i can feel it. i have some pretty good poetry, too.

miss terri said...

oh, i'm excited! two hour countdown!

miss terri said...

i'm really glad that you came, though i little sad that all you spoke was french. it's funny that you happened to choose that particular language and hoped that no one spoke. i wish that we'd been able to talk more, but then...que va?

Miru said...

hahha, well.. i wasn't actually planning on sharing any poetry... and i had that memorized so what the heck, why not? i was just planning on going and enjoying, not really participating ya know? oh wow... i was NOT expecting EVERYONE asking me parlez vous francais? wow, i felt bombarded, lol... so who were the guys playing the drums and guitar? anyone on our little blogging buddy list? lol
yes, was a shame we couldn't talk at all... some other time i guess... all you guys were making me laugh so hard... oh man.... hopefully one of these days we'll actually be able to get to know all of you, you seem an interesting group

9c said...
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9c said...

yeah you weren't even going to say it at first! i wanted to say another jaques prevert one, but i could only remember about the first and last parts...

il a mit le cafe dans la tasse.
il a mit le lait dans la tasse de cafe.
il a mit un sucre dans le cafe au lait.
avec la petite cuillere (sp), il a turne.
and so on and so forth...
et moi, j'ai mit la tete dans ma main,
et j'ai pleure.

zuts alors, quel tragedy.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, Open Eyes, of all the languages to pick, that was the wrong one if you didn't want to be understood. Well, Spanish wouldn't have been much better, but it would have been less understood.

The drummer was one of the bloggers, as was the girl that understood the French.

Miru said...

haha, cool cool! i had fun actually... quite enjoyed it as a matter of fact

miss terri said...

i enjoy the company i keep. i'm glad that you came and had fun. we will have to hang out sometime.

oh! five points to the first person from MV that emails me my real name! ten to anybody to actually emails me!

i'm such a nerd...

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, pwetty much. So do I get 10 points if I email you? For those points you didn't specify...

Besides, I don't think you said your name at the Beatnik night. I didn't. Wait, did we say them when we did Hungarian Embroideri? Or did we just call each other "my associate"?

9c said...

***** the camel has 10 humps...

miss terri i don't even have your email address! wait...hold on...meh

miss terri said...

i think that we said associate. but we must have said my name Sometime. there were two people running around with it after all.

my email's on my profile. i wish that i had a camel

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, but there were lots of names flying everywhere. For all they know, I could have called you Mizzy (which, by the way, I didn't) and you could have answered to it (which, of course, you didn't).

miss terri said...

true. i don't think that i look like a mizzy though. i look like me. and my sister. wow, i must be pretty good looking. yeah, you can hit me now-i'm tired. i partially dislike zach at the moment.
why is it that i have to write natural logs when all i really want to be doing is sawing them? math is hard, let's go shopping.

Mavis Fausker said...

I dislike Zach right now too. And Puff, I dislike her too. Silly people convince me to stay up late when I have swim in the morning.

Miru said...

mizzy? what kind of name is mizzy?

9c said...

i dunno, but if it's anything like missy...

Mavis Fausker said...

A nickname for a character from a story that was based off of a real person who is now called by that name. Whew. Not one of my stories, though. But the girl that some call Mizzy (oh wait, in the revision it's spelled Mizie) was at Poetry Night.

miss terri said...

any real nicknames i get only last for like, a week. let's see: crash (i don't want to talk about it), jazzy (i dunno), missy (what girl hasn't been called missy?), bubba (my orthodontist called me that sometimes), patricia (i inherited my brother's nickname from miss kummer for a day), kristy, alex, and megan (people decide that i look like that name, so they call me that.) weird people.
haha, i could go off on my nickname tangent-how i never had a nickname till junior high? and now really only my family, older ward members, and occasionally steve will call me by my full name. it makes me laugh.

Mavis Fausker said...

I like my mom's set of nicknames for me best. It goes a little something like this:

Suzy => Suzy Q => Suzetti => Suzetti Spaghetti => Setti

None of which have anything to do with my real name! There is one nasty side effect, however. I now answer to two incredibly common names. And people wonder why I answer so readily to my last name! Outside of the Suzy train, I think my only other nickname has been T.K., for an incident I don't recall.

9c said...

wow that's so crazy, because that's EXACTLY how a lot of my nicknames are, too. you don't even want to get me started on nicknames, but if you insist...
9c (that came from 7th grade pre-algebra, we were correcting a problem that ended with +9c, and i'm like HEY that sounds like nancy, so i wrote it on my hand and it's stuck since--and trust me, it sticks. people call me 9c without even realizing it. i even call myself 9c without realizing it!!)
ccccccccc (count it--there's 9, and you gotta say every one), nein-si (or neinsi), noyes (nein=no in german, si=yes in spanish), k9 (#9, plus i can bark like a dog ^_^), september (septon, also very conveniently the 9th month), nance, nince, oy (only my sister and i call each other that--don't ask why, cuz i don't know), natzi (i promise, it has NOTHING to do with my personality...), nonsense, #72, septic tank, "hey you"...

anyway, sorry to bore you with that. simple minds, simple pleasures, like listing my nicknames...btw i LOVE mrs kummer!!!!!!!

miss terri said...

from orem? that mrs. kummer? she was my mom's mission buddy. and we're distantly related. Weird.

Listening to her from across the hall gets interesting.

i call my sister nance. or nince, or nacky, or nasty. or sister. that always works.

i like septic tank.

I do too.

at least you know what you're saying. yay! more confusion!

Miru said...

i have the ultimate nick name... it's stuck with me since kindergarten and i'm still being called it... actually i hate it with a passion... grr....

she was at poetry night? are you referring to me by chance? lol and every girl might be called missy, but not every girl has the actual name of missy! ^_^ lol

Kates said...

Well, Missy, your real name ISN'T Missy. Oooh, burn!


Miru said...

well ya know what?