Saturday, February 25, 2006


with rhymes, the time,
it sauntered on,
a dark light filled the air
people passed,
came and left,
surprised, for why should one care
for another so odd

yet came, and shared
spilling words out
an aura of several lifetimes
merged, mixed,
swirling souls
uncommon, a heart was bared
and understood

it far surpassed what i had supposed. more people showed up than i had expected. five schools represented. not too shabby. i felt more sheepish that i should have due to the fact, however. you guys are all hummers, ya know? truely amazing. especially matthias and t-man. rock on. i wish that more of those who just came had shared, i wish that the list had been used, so that it might have been more contiguous, but what to do? hahaha, and my dad shared a poem. it made me giggle.
bahahaha! i told t-man that it would work. my plotting, scheming, and subterfuge, such as it was. but he just laughed as the little bird and the duck crept into the bear cave. bwah ha...ha. i'm such a nerd. thanks for hanging out with us 9c. i'm glad that you guys came. i'm sorry that i still yet failed to introduce myself. i suppose that perhaps i will yet remain a miss terri.


Miru said...

i actually quite enjoyed it... did you know which one i was? you know who nancy is now... what one were you? i kept looking at everyone and was wondering if it was miss terri or not... i had my guess, so i want to know if i was right...
but yes, i had a grand ol time! if you ever have another one, you'll have to tell me so i can go again

9c said...

meh so you figured out which one i was? i very much enjoyed the beatnik, (wow it was awesome! incredible talent), but i wasn't at my best in looks for first impressions. i say if we can go in sweats, a hoodie, and baseball cap, i'm all for it. i think...i tried to wear my hair down--didn't work--and my lack of baret was made up for in my excessive blackness worn. i guess i owe it to my work as a pianist in the pit orchestra, gathering up those black clothes and all...i'm such a geek.
i hope you didn't confuse me with open eyes. she was the one that totally rocked it last night. my only contribution: i made up the last line to the headlights poem. i just thought that was pretty clever.
sometime we will have to hang out...

nicole said...

HEY!!!! So what are you doing? Today was a good day in church! Ya well we are going over to my mom's best friends house...cause her son and my brother are best friends too! Well anyways.... we have this movie of my brothers b-day party when he was 8 i think and his friend is in it and my moms best friend wants to see it! I hope you caught all of that!

Mavis Fausker said...

Of the two girls that came over and talked to you folks, Terri was the brunette. I was the blonde. Thanks for coming, folks!

Oh, and the French poem was well-liked by the French speakers. ;)

Miru said...

I knew it!!! yes! my guess was right! woa...i feel pretty cool, i could be like a secret agent or something... lol

well, i'm glad my poem was well appriciated!

miss terri said...

cause i'm so subtle. that's me to the T. Terri=subtle.

Yeah, she's so subtle, the subbblety is coming out of her ears.

at least i have ears.

I bet you WISH you had ears.

i'll ears YOU!

I'll MATH you! Ooooohh, what now, goose-face?

i donno brown cow.

Well, well, you're a chicken named Christmas Dinner! I'll see you in December...on my plate!

yeah, well, maybe i'll see you...later.

In case anyone is totally confused, you should be. If you aren't confused, you don't really understand what's going on. Terri is arguing with Mavis. This is it's not!!

amaya might be jealous...


yeah, well, maybe I will be then.

THE ENDE!noonono

ahaha, i knew that it was you!!

Ahaha! But these ARE the secret plans!

Miru said...

ya um... i'm confused

Mavis Fausker said...

Good. That was the ultimate goal. Actually the ultimate goal was to make Terri sound unintelligible, but that failed when I said that there were two people. Now BOTH of us sound unintelligible.

miss terri said...

it worked twice as well! mavis, we ARE unintelligable. usually. hahaha, guess who came to apologize for standing me up for the..6th time? it makes me laugh.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, he's pretty funny that way. We should poke him.

Erm, yeah, we pretty much confuse a lot of people. It's the brainwaves or somethin'.

Huh? Somebody's throwin' stuff.

nicole said...

UM total confusation! HEHE :p

miss terri said...

yeah, that train's jumpin' ditches. too few crumbs. i think that probably should write a new post. this one is fermenting. hahaha! like my orange juice! i think that i still have gum in my pocket. i don't even like double bubble.

Mavis Fausker said...

Do you still have the bouncy ball you found in the choir room too?

Lindsey said...

I loved the French poem. It was excellent. Is there any way I can get a copy of it?

nicole said...

Ok so I need up dates!!!

Miru said...

surely you can have a copy.... who were you at the thing?

here it is....

Refrains Enfantins de Jacques Prevert

il pleut
il pleut
il fait beau
il fait du soleil
il est tot
il se fait tard
toujours il
toujours il qui pleut et qui neige
toujours il qui fait du soleil
toujours il
pourquoi pas elle?
jamais elle
pourtant elle aussi
souvent se fait belle!


9c said...

wow yesterday there were 2 comments, today there are 16...

well anyways um yeah i'm so stupid, i left right when you girls came over because i saw an old friend from junior high...stupid 9c! i still have yet you.

miss terri said...

it's okay. for tomorrow IS another day!
yep! it's still in my pocket! along with a bunch of wrappers. i must have lost the gum somewhere though. *sigh* que triste.
oh, and for the little maid: the beatnik poetry night went off, and somehow a couple of flyers wandered over to mountain view. guess who showed up to beatnik! yay! you win! the cnfrontation was a little weak however, and i still remain a miss terri. kind of. and open eyes read a french poem that was pretty awesome. t-man hid in the alcove. marcus bailed. grrr.

nicole said...

OH Thanks for the update! So am I little maid now? I'm almost a laurel smarty pants! LOL!
So well let me give you an update! LOOK ON MY BLOG FOR IT!

Miru said...

i still want to meet all of you

9c said... einsteins

miss terri said...

hahaha, sweet beans. all the free coffee creamer and artifical sweetener you can hide on your person. you're in charge.

Lindsey said...

Hey, thanks!

I was wearing black, a grey beret, and huge burgundyish sunglasses. I was filming, too... So, yeah. That was me.

Miru said...

hmmm... don't remember what you looked like, but i remember a person filming! ^_^

hmmm... if we do get together though, i totally have the hook ups with the bagels! we could have a "we are blogging buddies that met each other on the internet and just so happen to be the same age" party with bagels!!!! how cool would that be?!?!? i totally say we do it!

miss terri said...

break out the bagels and call me!

Miru said...

i dont know your number

miss terri said...

17!4!915180!hahaha, close enough.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, about as close as Arkansas.

9c said...

amaya iris--that was you? i remember you, and i remember thinking, "wow, pretty hair." yes, it was pretty.

Lindsey said...

Yeah, that was me. Thank you. Heehee... I did curls that day. I usually don't. You know, since the beatniks all had straight hair...

miss terri said...

arkansas is close. relatively. actually i have been classified by all of those numbers. age, 6th grade number, and relative student number. i just didn't specify what number.