Wednesday, March 01, 2006

i talked to ryan today. first time in a month. he got his call today too. funny how that works. he's going to Tahiti. not what i expected.
it's strange. i don't know how i feel. i've always known that he would leave. it's a given. but now that he's set to leave...
i wish that i had a better relationship with him. i wish that i knew how to fix the mistakes that i've made in the one we have. i don't know how. i want to be his friend so bad. why is it so hard? i don't understand and that scares me. i don't know what to do.


mystery man12 said...

Look deep with in there lays the answers to your questions. Give it time and perseverance and it will come I promise. If you want some help just ask.

Mavis Fausker said...

I can't really help you there, bluebird. A) I don't know the whole situation. B) I'm not very good in that area to begin with.

Miru said...

it's hard, i totally agree... i am currently trying to mend a broken friendship of my own

collinhead said...

wow, this whole leaving missionary theme... i've been hearing a lot of these lately.

Lindsey said...

Hey, I saw him today... He was telling Bro. Wing about his call! I was there! I know you probably hate hearing it again, but... I, like the others, don't know what to say.

nicole said...

Well to see if I made the team or not look @ my blog!

miss terri said...

i'm an idiot. ever heard the song "but not for me"? yeah, that made me think of myself. it's such a Mess. Why DoesN't it WorK?! all i wanted was a friend. what is the deal with the connection here? i need to get a hobby. i need to hang out with people. okay, enough of that. i'm done.

ryan's not my brother. that doesn't work.

Noah said...

Hey, I know you feel Terri. It's happened to me before; no, I haven't had a girl friend (notice the space between the words 'girl' and 'friend') get her mission call and been depressed, etc. But I have had a friend leave, and I didn't know what to do either, because I wasn't sure when she'd be home, and it was hard to contact her, etc. I've felt the same thing, so let's talk sometime, yeah?

nicole said...

What? I'm confused!

miss terri said...

i'll call you later today. we can chat.

Miru said...

oh miss terri.... wow... i really really know how you feel.... i went through this all a month ago.... i'm still trying to get over it...

nicole said...

WHAT? I'm really confused now I didn't give you my how can you call me? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH what's happening!

Mavis Fausker said...

She was talking to Amicus.

miss terri said...

yep yep. don't worry, be happy.

Kates said...

Oh...Miss Terri... I'm sorry. Let me just say...don't make it so you have regrets after he's gone. Maybe you should try talking to him, just so there are no what ifs