Saturday, March 11, 2006


the three birds meandered slowly and half-blindly through the snow. for some strange reason the bluebird was in the lead. though she was the only fowl among them that knew where they were going, she was not a winter bird and had, um...trouble. but finally the group landed.
what was not expected was the fact that they had to wear SKIRTS. and have DANCE CADRS! so instead they watched making fiends. All. Night. Long. let's pretend to be postal workers!


9c said...

oh no! but you actually tried to come?? kudos to you!!! yeah sorry about that, i guess we did forget to mention one small important thing...

collinhead said...

ha! i got someone into making fiends..

Miru said...

ya um... still feel bad...
we'll try again this saturday, i'm excited

Mavis Fausker said...

My multimedia teacher first introduced me to Making Fiends, but the first full episode I had ever seen was Saturday night. I love it!

nicole said...

Hi!!!!!!! how are you? I'm doing great! Well so anyways I gave this guy that i've been friends with for like ever......well I have started to have feelings for him and well I gave him a note telling him and I don't know what he thinks yet! Do yoiu think it was a bad idea to give him a note like that?

9c said...

what's making fiends?

9c said...

i want to play this saturday!!!!!

miss terri said...

sadistic crazy misconnections.
that makes a great Family Gloomy Time! it's becoming part of the family lingo. it's kind of a disturbing thought.

we should play. if that dog would just call me with any kind of info. sorry, that's derogatory, but he is of that genus.

mia, you're asking me? i'm the biggest social gumball you've ever met. don't ask questions like that here. there really are no good answers.

Mavis Fausker said...

Social gumball? Well, I suppose it fits.

And now the malamute HAS given you info.

AHEM! The band that we no is no longer playing at the dance on Saturday.

miss terri said...

the band that we no, huh? whatever nose you choose, i guess.

well, i do tend to get into some unseemily sticky situation.

Miru said...

is the dance off? i'm confused

nicole said...

hey you know what for one of our mutual activities we are making duct tape stuff anything you want!!!!! Cool huh!? Well comment me soon!

nicole said...

hey you know what for one of our mutual activities we are making duct tape stuff anything you want!!!!! Cool huh!? Well comment me soon!

miss terri said...

it's on. just, another band and dj are playing.

Lindsey said...

Miamaid, I don't think you should've done it. Especially since you're not even sixteen. Saying that just raises issues that can't really be dealt with at the moment – and you may well be over him by the time you can. What happened, though?

collinhead said...

i sure hope its on. ;)
i kinda liked the band that played anyway. i think i know the kid who sung from somewhere..
don't judge me by my freaky outy-ness i was on soo much caffiene.. after not having any for almost 2 months.. pretty much put me over the edge, i couldn't stop moving until like 3 am and then i crashed.. we went to caleb's house afterwards and they were all falling asleep while i was like hopping and dancing around to piano music.. pretty much i was insane. anyway, that was fun tell me next time theres a dance :)

miss terri said...

he's in my stake. his mom is super cool. i don't know him as well though, but he seems like a pretty awesome person. for a preacher.
sounds like me on a regular day. skip the caffine. i'm glad that y'all came. even though i didn't know what to say and i felt like a nerd. what else is new?

collinhead said...

oh don't worry, me either. i never know what to say. as long as you're having fun while saying it i don't think it matters.

Mavis Fausker said...

For a KKK preacher, he's not half bad. His accent was a little off though. I think Froggy pulled his off better.

miss terri said...

i want to see it. it looks so funny.

that's true. what you mean is vastly more important than what you say. that's what makes communication so hard. that and they fail to teach good skills anymore, if they ever did.

*sigh* i just finished cold sassy. i wish that my fam was here. looks like it'll just be me and patsy for a while. i really don't want to do my math.

by the by, collin is stinkin' Tall!

what a randumb conglom.

Mavis Fausker said...

Do you know what conglomeration reminds me of? Coagulation. *snicker*

Dagummit! Even "coagulation" isn't safe! When will I be free from Puff's pestering? *shakes her fist*

You should go see it, bluebird. It's awesome. And then you could quote it with me and the swallow.
"Ends with 'ump'."
"No! La-yump!"