i miss elementary school. i miss snacks, recess, no homework, and knowing everyone in your class. i miss projects that you would do In Class, playing games and reading stories. I TOTALLY miss field trips. once in preschool, we went to the zoo. i was so excited that the night before, i woke up at four in the morning to get ready. i remember waking my mom up to see if i could get dressed and have breakfast yet.
i try to go on field trips every once in a while. they aren't quite as exciting as that usually. i do have a fun time looking, learning, and talking to people though. i had an assignment for reece to take pictures of the constitutional amendments on wednesday. it was perfect because we're starting a unit on photoshop in photo. photosafaries are the best things. i love em. the conflict: my mom had the car. i'm doomed! oh wait, no that just means that i take a two hour nap till she comes home. and then, i had it all planned out: the newspaper, the library, the city building, the church and whatever caught my eye along the way.

but of course, being me, i got stuck at the first step. i saw some of the extra papers lying around, and it perked my interest. so i go up to the brunette secretary and ask if i can get back into the press room. and she actually picked up the phone and got me permission. escorted of course. while i waited, a blong lady walked in, holding two drinks and bouncing with excitement. "are you ready for this?!" she asked, and gave the secretary one of the brown cups. the two jab straws through the plastic tops and start sucking down whatever it is.
"do you like it? it's kinda weird and i didn't really know how to describe it, but it's good ya know?"
"yeah, kinda...chewy. i want to spit it out to see what it looks like, but i won't"
"thank you for sparing me."
i grinned to myself. guess who they reminded me of? i think that they had forgot that i was standing right there waiting for my escort because they both looked over and blushed. right then larry walked up and introduced himself. good timing, my friend.

the dim light and the ink in the air surrounded me and everything else as larry showed me around the HUGE machines sucking in paper. the rolls were bigger than i am tall. we wandered through the narrow hallways, watching the 16x20 negatives being made, loaded onto the reels, and the products being whisked away at speeds papers usually don't reach. as the ink was cleaning and being adjusted, the papers were drenched in color. the column (in the back with confetti strips hanging off the rings) was a rainbow as they swirled and blended. larry commented that it takes about 600 papers to get the color, pages and alignment all right. everyone we talked to smiled and had something to say to us. they pointed out funny things in the print, told jokes, and taught me little things.
i was sad when larry finally had to go back to work, i walked out of the warehouse trailing ink. i think that i still have some on the bottoms of my flipflips. i went home and almost wanted to do a write up on it; what was your favorite part? name four things you learned? what was the guide's name? how did the experience make you feel? nstead i stayed up till two writing a story and pasting pictures. what i realixed when i got to school the next day was that i could have skipped the entire assignment and still have gotten an A in the class. i laughed. i love the end of the term.
That's awesome, bluebird! Does it make you want to go into journalism more than the last time you told me you wanted to?
Hey you know what I miss that too!!!!!!!!Well I am really bored right now!!! That was a great joke you told me!!!!!
yeah, pretty much. i like colunm work the best, but i know that i'll have to do a lot of grunt work first. *sigh* at least it's work, and i can make it fun.
But, hey, your poster was awesome! Not quite as awesome as my photo essay, haha... Just kidding. Cool stuff, though!
Ya so I didn't go to the temple trip cause well i didn't get a recemend and well it's prolly a great thing that I didn't go cause earlier I had a temp of 100.6!!!!! I don't really want to tell my mom cause well....There is a dance tonight and I really want to go!!! I took a nap though....that's good right? I feel much better though!!!!
hmm, your dance partners might be slightly dispeased with that.
i like my poster! we don't get newspapers here anymore, so i ran over to the neighbors at 10 to borrow some. sometimes i wonder what i'm percieved as. then i laugh and run after the frisbee. my feet are still green and my legs are scratched. i need some calusi. :D
THEY DIDN"T KNOW!!! I really hope I didn't get anyone sick!!!!! I told my mom after the dance though and well my temp was 102.4! Ya so I can't take pills I am so afraid that I will choke and die so my mom makes me chew them ya nasty!!!!! Well ........achhuuuuuuuuuu! EXCUSE ME!!! WEll so as I was saying I missed church and school and got my dad sick also and well he missed work today!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so bad!!!!!! We'll ttyl!
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