Saturday, July 29, 2006

i do too!

there's a song by randy newman called "short people". as i puttered around work today i had to use a stool to get several items that i needed, and i found myself asking for help to lift garbage out of Tall recepticals. seeing as many of my coworkers at least a good seven inches over me, mr. newman's song seemed especially appropriate. too bad the chorus goes "short people got no reason to live." it's not my fault. i blame my dad.


Mavis Fausker said...

We were discussing shortness at work too! Lizi--the girl who has my back, so to speak--cannot reach the supplies in the maintenence closet. Nor can we reach the top of the fridge to any useful degree (of course, neither can the tamarin). There is rampant shortness at the pool, now that I come to think on it.

But it's cooler to be short. Cold air sinks, after all.

collinhead said...

Aww, sad. Short people cool. Tall girls scare me.

miss terri said...

this rampant shortness pretty much everywhere i go. everybody's tall to me. it's the spindly ones that scare me - the ones that can wrap their fingers all the way around your skull four times and look like rubber bands. *shudder*

Noelle said...

creepy...yeah, I'd rather be short hehe

collinhead said...

hey, don't make fun of me. just because i'm tall. jay kay i'm not that tall.

miss terri said...

most definitely. very creepy.
you're tall, but not spindley. a little bit like smiley, but different. :)

collinhead said...

yeah, the smile is fake. wait, nevermind. who smiley?

Mavis Fausker said...

A friend of ours. Very tall, but not spindly.

collinhead said...

psh, i hate being compared to people i've never heard of and may never meet.

miss terri said...

either way, there's not a lot i can do.

collinhead said...
