Saturday, July 08, 2006

out to pasture

i'm back Again! and i had an amazing week. it gave me so much to think about and i'm overwhelmed with the power of everything that i learned and felt.
it was funny, i live so close to where i went to efy and have spent so much time around campus that i kept thinking that i had to be home by curfew and that should either call or start home because i had chores to do. sleeping in dorms was weird when i was not far from home. especially when the girl in the next room over was from florida.
i wish that i knew better how to explain all that happened. but you'd have to have been in the classes with me and gone to the devotionals, talked, played, and worked with everyone that i did to know. Truth is the coolest thing. i love it when people speek truth. there is a lot of Power and Energy in the truth. It's True. i have a knowledge and conviction. i suppose you could say that i've been re-converted. but i'll come back to that later. on to a lighter note.
yes, i did go COW Tipping. i admit that i am somewhat of a tipper at times. this expeience was interesting in that i did not tip for the one that i first thought that i would. though very attractive in the packaging, i was not all that impressed with the filling. his friend i think i could have tipped for had the water been a little warmer. later i thought that i was only going to have aq little COW, more of a calf really, as he was a counselor (he's swing danced with me! it was super fun!). but it so happened that there was a chap who...possessed several qualities that i systematically added to my "dating file". good conversationalist, willing learner, kind, fun, chivalrious, musically inclined in multiple facets, and nicely mixed together. the austrailian accent was a bonus, even though it was fake. heeheehee. kiwis and daisies. yeah, i'm Kinda hopeless. anyway...
it was even good when i got home! so much stuff happened while i was gone. AP and ACT results, letters, college stuff from my favorite choice, my plants Grew, "musical miss terri", free money, and kiwis four for a dollar at harmons! mangos are Yummy!
umm...Gospel's TRUE! Heavenly Father Loves Each of His Children, Be Good, the Church is Awesome! =D


Mavis Fausker said...

It was pretty much awesome, wasn't it?

Yeah, you are kinda hopeless, but there is hope in that. My mom worries about me sometimes.

Were you happy with the results waiting for you? I don't want to know what they are, just if you're happy with them.

miss terri said...

i was happy with my results, yeah. i did alright. especially with my ap scores. i'm still taking the act again, but that doesn't really come as a surprise.
i don't worry 'bout you. you just need some practice.. :)

nicole said...

YA MAN I'M DEAD!!!!! Not!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH haven't heard from you forever!!!!! What's up!?

Mavis Fausker said...

Miss Terri. Bluebird. [insert full real name]. I am so incredibly disappointed in you. (No, not about your scores. I'm happy for you in that respect.)HOW COULD YOU? What is this insanity in which thou hast indulged? Thine heresy is marked, thou sinner, in the book of mighty marking.

Hi, Miamaid.

miss terri said...

HAHAHAHA! ahha, sorry about that. i didn't realize. i kinda like it as one word though. it's...hip. it has a slightly different meaning. it doesn't have to be an actual word for me to use it. (looks around at the accusers) *cough* um, sorry....
hey! and where's my list, huh?
hi mia! welcome back!

Mavis Fausker said...

Have I not discussed this with you before? Did I not have you read my essay? IT ISN'T ONE WORD, AND THE MEANING IS EXACTLY THE SAME! Ugh! That's okay though, because I have a new prologue to tear to pieces today. He completely changed the scene, and it's wobbly again. Hee hee.

Sorry about the list; I know I'm taking forever.

miss terri said...

i'm going to come and steal it from you, savvy?

Mavis Fausker said...

I'm glad you stole it from me. The postcard was wicked awesome fun. Cool beans and sweet sauce.

miss terri said...

pwetty much. i'm excited for them to get it tomorrow. hehehehe
ahaha! several people have messenger! that makes them so much easier to spam!

Mavis Fausker said...

Spam, spam, spam. Huzzah!