Thursday, July 13, 2006

poor unfortunate souls

now that you're all imagining scenes from the little mermaid, i will turn your attention to a completely different, unrelated subject...
you know that you did some serious damage when you're friend's Companions write to you. or maybe it's just that the penguin is a rather odd bird, and i just happen to be the flavor of the month. either way, i recieved four letters from some rather distressed missionaries asking me to give word to their disfunctional compadre. no, "asking" is far to mild a word, "begging" does the sentiment more justice. to use the words of one elder v, "send a letter, a smoke signal, tap out some morse code, write a scroll and send it to our window via homing pigeon, hire a skywriter...".
well, i had actually sent a letter that very morning before i recieved the message. in it were several plant photos, and one of me, along with a rather grafitti-ed envelope. i was set for quite a while. what more could i do? if they only knew.
with the help of My compadre, a loving reply no lies in wait for the currently slumbering missionaries. just imagine: hot pink paper, blue and black galaxy markers, a penguin being eaten by a seal, ambiguous poultry, and an anthropomorphized ceiling fan. definitely a lot of love there. hahaha, i love summer! i'm such a nerd.


Mavis Fausker said...

Yus! Dante was the coolest!

miss terri said...

i did like the ambiguous poultry.

nicole said...

Ya i guess utah is a big place ya well i'm not so sure i like taft anymore.....i like someone else but you'll never know because this person could have a blog and find out and then be all weird.....yes i'm going to turn 16 because i promised myself i would turn 16!