Friday, July 21, 2006


the bluebird heard a faint rustling below her and scanned the ground quickly to discover the source. it was the kangaroo rat, though he was hidden in a bush so she couldn't dicern the rodent. she happily chirp a greeting and delved into a conversation until she was brimming with envy. he had once again proved his amazing intellect and natural skill in any subject, despite his apathy. the bird would have pursued her jealous course had the rat not off-handedly mentioned that he would not return to the stone jungle when the leaves changed.
the bird was soon no longer jealous in any way of her friend. inside the bush, she had not known he was hairless and worn. not having seen or heard of him while flying in the sun, he was confined to the quiet dark. she wished she could do more for him, stem the fear or lighten him to his More usual carefree state, but she knew not how. as he slipped into his burrow, the bluebird gave a slight flutter. he was one to admire.


Mavis Fausker said...

Wait, why isn't he coming back to school? It's not the same reason he missed school in eighth grade, is it?

He's had to deal with a lot, even back in elementary school. Email me and tell me what's up, please?

rauf said...

highly imaginative indeed.
the blue bird flew over my head Miss Terri, I did not understand.

We had a ban on all the blogs and I was not able to access any blog for a few days. Now the ban has been lifted. Thank you so much for your support Miss Terri

miss terri said...

glad that you're back rauf. don't worry, it was meant to be a little cryptic.
yeah, it's the same.

Mavis Fausker said...

That's awful, bluebird. When we do our caroling (I called you to plan it, but no one was home) we should totally visit him. And we should make Snickers salad. The leopard seal always asks me for some, so we could make a huge batch when my family wasn't watching and go delivering along with our carols.

miss terri said...

sounds like a plan. we can do it.

miss terri said...

mmmmm, snickers salad.

wfTitus said...

Wow, you have you own little codes going on hear, it's very fascinating.

miss terri said...

it's not a code. you'd just have to be in on the conversation for a Long time to have a chance of understanding. the train of thought is following a trail of breadcrumbs, jumping ditches, and skirting bushes. there's no track here.

Mavis Fausker said...

As far as the animals go, that's sort of my fault. I was bored.

On that note, I still haven't given Guy #1-2 animals yet. That's okay; I can call one of them Zefran and one of them Aldrus. That'll work.