Monday, September 25, 2006

no chocolate for me

apparently, i'm really bad at the the whole 'signal' game. to me, it makes sense that i get bored, i have a friend who's not busy and who's company i enjoy, so i called to go play. we have fun. this is a casual thing. however, i've been told that this is not what is recieved on the other end. and this is how i get my problems.
BUT! in this case, i was okay. i hope. green man doesn't think the regular way, and he was around with the penguin anyway. it's what it was, and that's all - the park, krispy kremes, pool, and looney tunes. it was fun...

why in the world is this such a cool picture?


Mavis Fausker said...

Contrast of size with the shoes and the drain. *shrug* Or something like that.

On the signals, though, there ARE people it isn't such a signal with. The green man being one of them, and the tomcat being another.

miss terri said...

i guess i just guessed wrong with the penguin then?
maybe that's it. i dunno.

Mavis Fausker said...

I don't think the penguin was one to ignore flashing billboards. And you did kind of leave the door open on the one thing. If the door's not closed, then...

miss terri said...

one thing?

miss terri said...

ah. that one.
i don't know what to do about that twix. i can't open wrappers when i want to and i'm afraid of the calories anyway.everybody wants me to open it already, but what if it's an empty wrapper. meh. i hate this. the whole chocolate affair gives me ants in the pants. junk food's bad for you anyway. i like kiwis.
but i like chocolate too.

Mavis Fausker said...

Chocolate-dipped kiwis, perhaps?

miss terri said...

that could be really weird. and awkweird. strawberries go better with chocolate (figure that one out). i think that i'm going to try to carefully open the wrapper a little. i don't know. we'll see.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, just mess with the corner a little bit. Moderation in all things and all that jazz.

miss terri said...

especially since it's technically still whit's twix.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, especially because of that. Of course, has he given up on denying that it's a twix?