Tuesday, September 19, 2006


it was still early morning when the bluebird flew drowsliy around a stone pillar and lit down by the sparrow. the birds exchanged greetings and events as they had transpired between meetings. as the key of the sparrow's song changed, the bluebird's heart gave a twang of remembrance of a song that she herself had sung not too distantly. throughout the day the song became all the more clear and the little bird had a hard time not humming the tune herself. to her, the song was past, and bringing it back would only hurt. as another jay had told her, he wasn't her type, and she'd best just get over it. still, the cold refrain of a penguin has its moments of appeal.


Mavis Fausker said...

*readies a bucket of cold water*

Just in case I need to give you a good dousing.

Sometimes the sparrow makes me guy crazy too; I just don't have any guys to go crazy about, so I'm relatively safe.

miss terri said...

nah, i'm okay. i really am. it was just a delusionary moment. he's got some matters.
i think that he may use a slightly different dictionary than i do.

Miru said...

No idea what's going on, but...
I've always loved how you use birds symbolicly for yourselves.. anyways... hope schools going good for you!