Saturday, December 02, 2006


in my experience as a student, i've had a great deal of trouble with timed tests. it frustrates me to no end that i do just as well, if not better, in school than those who score much higher on these tests. but i'm always cut for time, and my scores suffer.

however, i took the sat today, and greatly surprised myself. out of the ten sections that comprise the test, i finished eight with time to spare, and felt very secure in my answers. i might even venture to say that i enjoyed the test. for once i didn't come home feeling like i had blown a large chunk of my parents' money. and the benefit is that if the results come out better than my act, byu takes the sat too! and if i don't, no worries! it's all good.

man, i was way blessed today. awesome possum (hey! i should ask for a possum for Christmas!)


Mavis Fausker said...

Y'know, it was probably the lack of stress riding on the test that helped you out. I mean, it didn't matter much either way for you, so you relaxed and just let it go the way it went.

Did you study going into it? How was the essay?

miss terri said...

i actually didn't do as well on the essay as i wanted to; stupid topic: optomism vs. realism. i ran out of time and it didn't have a good conclusion. it was like, half a sentence and a period.
i did stress a little, but not so bad. as for the rest of my studying, i used the topical guide, and i went to the bathroom before going to the test.

collinhead said...

haha, optimism vs realism.. we talked about that in seminary like.. yesterday.

Mavis Fausker said...

Optimism vs. Realism, eh? I probably would have ended up ranting about stuff from The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky talks about how Alyosha doesn't believe in miracles because he's optimistic, but because he is a realist that believes in God. It was kinda humorous.

Anyway, I'm sorry you didn't get a good conclusion in. Hope the rest of it's good. But way to not stress.

miss terri said...

well, i uh, do my best. no, that's a lie. i'm pretty much a nutcase when it comes to tests.
my reality involves a positive outlook.