the bluebird slowly uncurled from her nap and shivered, mussing her nest and ruffling her feathers. though midwinter, the weather had an autumnal aire, and for several moments the bird was greatly confused as to where and when she was. as her eyes and mind began to focus she remembered and considered going back to sleep. normally she would have already migrated, but after an early primary frost, the snow remelted and the temperature rose, sending the season back a notch where it had since remained. instinct left no indication to the bird as to what the proper course of action was in the situation, making her often in a somewhat confused and erratic state of limbo. for a moment she lingered where she was, letting the wind to wash through her small body. finally, she allowed herself to be swept up in the current, futilely searching for energy within the dimming sunlight.
yeah, i know. it's not my fault i'm geothermically dependant. actually, considering how bad the weather is messing with me, i'm fairly stable. i miss knowing what i'm supposed to be doing with myself. i really miss the sun. i'd better stop before i'm spurred to poetic expression.
Well, I hope that you will continue to do well. I personally am used to darker and colder weather, so I'm doing fine. Therefore, I don't really have any advice... Watch summer movies?
warms our vains huh? yeah, i guess that i am more vain in the summer. just, you have a different mentality and things that are characteristic of the various seasons. november in january with days that end at five thirty is all twisted up.
Nice poem! So um I don't have any advice either! Sry! How was church today? Mine boring. Except that the fact a girl that ran away came back today! That's good! I taught my dog to crawl it was pretty cool. I've got to go.
P.S. comment me on my blog. It's easier fpr me to check.
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