Monday, January 30, 2006

when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year...

in light of thursday's haphazard events (ah, scheduling stress-hub. i hate being the person who's in charge!), today's even better. my film was due wednesday, but i had to shoot wednesday after school and then thursday after school too. MT gave me an extention to monday to have it developed. perfect. photo shoot during class and then develop after school. well, i pull my models out as fourth starts and we head to the studio. however, it took my studio partner the entire time to do her work and i didn't even start shooting till the bell had rung. i matched the readout of my camera with the digital and we shot, finishing in an hour. not bad. so i develop and when the moment of truth arrives, there was weaping and whaleing and nashvilling teeth. the strobe was out of sink with the shutter. i get the last milimeter of each picture. the other pictures were all fine, just the studio shots were messed up. so i have to REdo the Entire shoot. it's so good that i can go do it during the UBSCT tests this week, or somebody would die.
--if i can get my scanner to be somewhat functional, i will scan a neg or two and post them.--


nicole said...

what photo shoot? Oh i've got to go someones here!
comment me on mine!

Mavis Fausker said...

Ag. That's okay, it's not like I'll be doing anything during the UBSCT time--so long as you don't do it at 7:00 or some crazy thing like that. Maybe I'll come up with some more random poses in the meantime too. Hmmmmm.

Miru said...

oh man oh man, I am so sorry... that really really sucks.... ya, kates had some real good pics that she wanted of her boy, but when the camera said it was done rewinding and she opened the case, she found out that it really wasn't done rewinding and it exposed the only pics she had of her man that leaves on wednesday... it was a very sad experience... i felt bad... and i feel bad for you too... sorry!

nicole said...

When you comment me, comment me on my blog it's easier for me to coment you back! thanks!

mystery man12 said...

The world changes and things happen. What matters is not what happend, but how you handled it.

miss terri said...

i think that i disagree, mystery. while the reaction does matter, what happens is also important.
i'll talk to MT today. maybe wed morning.
and t-man, i'll talk to you today.

Lindsey said...

Ah, I'm sorry! There's a reason I never liked developing and film... No, I never had major issues. I just... don't like it. I don't know. Go digital! Hahaha... Yeah. Me, yearbook and digital... What a match...

9c said...

how crappy stinker poo that is! so in 9th grade i decided i wanted to be a photographer, then forgot about it...yeah pretty much. i still think photography is cool though. um....oh yeah hey put up some of your cools pics when you get them done k?

nicole said...

Ok if you won't comment me I'll comment you! So anyways you should go to efy! It would be fun! I might go!

miss terri said...

i'm trying. our scanner's kind of special ed-dead. but if i can get one that works, i'll send it over. i wonder where the school ones are...

i like digital, but there's the magic of the dark room and the chemicals and just being in there with the water running, watching the pictures float up through the water.

hehehe, i am going to efy this year! my first and last time. i'm excited.

nicole said...

That would be wierd if we went to the same efy and met eachother there!

nicole said...

have you seen high school musical? The kid that is the basketball player is sooo hot! Comment me

I probably won't be commenting you cause i'll be gone!

miss terri said...

i don't think so. doesn't ring a bell.