Tuesday, January 10, 2006

starving student

being the odd duck of the laurals class, everyone else is headed to full time college next year but me. so this week's activity was a budgeting lesson with an emphasis on buying food. it was really good. we got out the newspaper with the stores that are next to the byu and scavenged for what we would need to survive. then we went to the store and price checked. all the food to live for a day cost about 24-27 dollars. But, there was a bunch of food left over. so we estimated the food that we would need for about week, and then for a month. eighty to a hundred dollars for food every month. me, i've found that i really like potatoes, eggs, and cereal - versatile, tasty and cheap. plus, you got a free gallon of milk with three boxes of cereal. add some fruits and veggies, raid the condiment stands of your local fast food joints, and you're set. luckily, this starving student will can at home, with no rent, and food payed for, and hopefully a Good scholarship, and i can learn how to use the bus. sewiouswy fowks, it's da best.


nicole said...

You really need to read my blog and what happened to my car last night!

Mavis Fausker said...

That sounds like an awesome activity, bluebird! By the way, I fixed that comment porblem on my blog.

Lindsey said...

Hmm, I think there's a reason I'll get a food plan if I go to the Y... I'd stop eating otherwise. I'm serious. I honestly forget to eat for unhealthily extended periods of time. If I must make all my own food, then I simply won't. However, if I get married, I know I'll make food. I don't mind making it for others. It's just that I find it pointless to cook for myself.

Plus I hate cereal.

miss terri said...

i forget to eat too. it's not good. i lost weight over the holidays because i didn't have anything to wake up for or a regulated lunch hour. i do like to cook though. i really hope that i get a scholarship...

miss terri said...

i'm not even going to repond to that.

nicole said...

Ya it could have been alot worse! Luckly not! Hey if mavis or any one else is wondering what i'm talking about, go ahead and have them look @ my blog. They might think it's interesting.

nicole said...

Wow, I'm really ready for this dance on saturday! I haven't seen lots of people since last year! I've got to go.

nicole said...

Hello? anyone there?

miss terri said...

yeah, i'm here. the internet was down. at my home for a spell. now that it's back up i can do my caclulus! hooray!....:P

nicole said...

What was it down for? I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore! Sorry! Well I'm missing out on the dance cause we have to go over to my mom and dad's friends house! That's dumb! I'm really angry at them! You have no idea how much I was looking forward to it! Now i have to wait another month to see my best friend! Well, I've got to go!

miss terri said...

a nap?....i dunno, it was down. you should call your friend and plan something. waiting for the stake to plan your social life is lame. plus, a month isn't that long, and spending time with, and obeying your parents is important. and their friends have possession of their house, so you need an apostrophe

Lindsey said...

Haha, I like that last comment you had, there... Sounds like a more humorous version of something I'd say.

miss terri said...

there are two of them! well sarah, there is only One of me. i love utah. free licence to be weird in a good way. come back ally's sister!

nicole said...

Hey was that confusing for you? Sorry! Ya there are two of us! Is that bad? I really doubt she will be commenting you! So I wouldn't comment her unless you feel the need to make a new computer friend! Well I'm really worried about my brother! His girl friend is totally recking his life he won't talk to me anymore or communicate with my parents! I don't know if he's doing anything bad! I need to do something about this! His girlfriend isn't even mormon!

miss terri said...

nah, it wasn't that bad. no worries.
i don't really know what to tell you about your brother. i think that you just need to be open and loving. though you may not approve of what he's doing, you still need to love him. be patient. and remember that people do have free agency. do everything that you can to help him, but in the end, it's up to him. if in doubt, smile and tell him you love him. hugs don't hurt either. epsecially if they're spontanious attack hugs of power and righteousness. good luck.

nicole said...

Ya thanks for that advice! Well I went to our youth counsel for youth activities and in the summer we are doing a pioneer treck! We talked about food and bedding and clothes! The guys have to wear suspenders! HEHEHE and then all the girls except me were arguing because they couldn't have the choice of wearing what the guys were wearing! How dumb is that! It wouldn't be a pioneer treck if all the girls wore pants! Well so the chioce is to wear shorts under your dress! Sorry this is a long comment you can comment me on mine and ask me some other questions about it if you want!