Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ss part two!

i love how i've taken years of health and nutrition classes, and got the highest score in the class on the state test for foods, but i'm a terrible eater. today is a great example: i woke up for ballroom and had an instant breakfast as (as always) i was running a little bit late. what can i say? being warm in my covers bears more appeal that strapping on high heels and "dancing" with my brother. anyway, so i forgot to refill my locker at semester and it was utterly barren. by third period i was Ready to eat, but i had to fasten a pillow to my friend's chest and use defribulators on a manaquin. the same applied after school, so i crawled to my car around 3, not having eaten for around 9 hours (and an instant breakfast provides such a stable beginning in the first place). i ate a piece of bread, some water, and took a nap till five. then i really did eat! i made a ramen sandwich: scalded noodles with two eggs, the seasoning, milk, cheese and pepperoni, fried into a brick of...stuff. mmmm, pure genius. some milk and juice on the side, and it's a meal for two! except..only for one hungry me. we were having orange death for dinner, so i had more milk. i think that i've had some more food since then, but i don't remember what. so: 4 servings bread, 2 1/2 meat, lots of dairy, and some sugary fruit juice. mostly lumped in the middle of the day. gotta love being a teenager. HaHaA!


Mavis Fausker said...

See, what you need is a regular eating shedule.

5:00 am - first breakfast
8:00 am - second breakfast
third period - light brunch
lunch period - lunch
after school - light snack
5:15 - supper
6:30 - dinner

Good stuff.

nicole said...

Nice mavis! Ya so i met 2 new mormons and they are from Orem like you! You should check them out. Go on my blog to look at there's. If you want! Oh wait don't go to the one called cc if you go to mine to see who they are cause i don't know who that is! It's 9c and open eyes! Well i'm really bored right now. For mutual we had 3 inactive girls come! It was great. Well got to go. Comment me!

miss terri said...

besides school, i do whatever whenever. i can't bind myself to a solid schedule, you know that.

nicole said...

Ya i guess i know that you can't bind yourself to a solid shedule! Sorry! Hey did you look at the last blog you did? I wrote about the pioneer trek! Well what do you think? The only thing I won't like about it is the part where we can't visit with other people than besides the people in you "family". TTYL.

Mavis Fausker said...

So make sure you have the light brunch and the lunch, as well as the light snack. That way, even if you miss breakfast, you'll still have four meals a day (I'm assuming you remember to eat dinner).

nicole said...

If you get this message in time and you have sattalite dish then turn to the Bravo channel. There's a gymnastics and skating spectacular!

miss terri said...

well, there's the fact that i stay in to work on stuff frequently for classes, i buy school lunch, and i sometimes fall asleep before remembering to eat. i'm too scatterbrained. i barely remember to go to class some days.

9c said...

i feel special, miamaid...

so miss terri, that's kinda like me--i'm forgetting to eat lately, but anyways, that's now what i was going to say. what i was going to say is that you are an AMAZING writer. haha even just writing about every day things like little things of food, you really have a talent for putting it together to make it...INTERESTING...

ps i've been reading some of your comments on my friends' blogs...(open eyes and kates)

9c said...

...i like them :)

Miru said...

hey hey... this is 'open eyes'... so do you really live in happy valley? if you do, that's pretty sweet... this here place is pretty sweet! are you in college or high school?

nicole said...

Hey miss terri,
Apartently they know you(open eyes, and 9c.)Do you know them? I told them about you and now they are searching for new people to talk to like I found you! Ya funny story isn't it!

9c said...

mmm hmmm.....

miss terri said...

i'm flattered. mavis and amaya both write better than i.
yeah, this place is pretty much the best i've ever seen. i like it a lot.
and though i know open eyes and 9c (well, kind of). generally one doesn't consort too heavily with members of the rival school. *snort* yeah, whatever. anyway...

nicole said...

Wait a minute! You guys know eachother but you go to different scholls that are rivals? Pretty impressive! WOW, I don't think I know any one from our rival school that's mormon! Hey so wow it's ahrd for me to kepp up with all these comments, cause everyone talks to everyone on their own blog like i'll write you and you'll write back on your blog! It can sometimes get difficult cause i'll be like wait now I have to comment her and her and her. ttyl.

Mavis Fausker said...

Wait, bluebird. You know people from rival schools? I'm in shock. How do you know them? Through the other of los tres pajaritos? Do I know these people too?

Miru said...

k wait..... rival school? do you go to orem? with 'mavis fausker'?
so you know me... hmmm... now i want to know who you are cus i don't know you... atleast i don't think so...
i won't ask you to tell me your name or anything cuz that's not good to do on the internet, but tell me something so i'll know who you are

9c said...

AHHH you go to orem??? or...wait...confusion...

miss terri said...

wow. this is really funny. i ThInk that i might know you, but i'm not for sure. i go to orem. do you go to mv? or ohs? hehehehe, oh what tangled webs.

Miru said...

we go to mv... ya know, the bruins... you think you know us? what junior high did you go to? orem, lakeridge, oak canyon, canyon view...????

miss terri said...

cv. i'm thinking now that i don't really know you, though a few of my friends may. especially if you happen to be affiliated with the band geeks. though it's fun to think that you could be someone that i know.

Miru said...

ya... that would pretty much be awesome if we knew each other! hmm... i wish i knew your name, but that's too much to ask on the internet unless you have a burning desire to do so.. but ya, we're in the same grade which is cool, so we're bound to know people that each of us... wow, isn't it a small world?!

nicole said...

WOW! This is getting pretty interesting! Plus it all started becuase of me! Go on.............. You were saying?

9c said...

AHHHHH WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!?! cv...kinda my old area...kinda...band...oh yes band people...are you in marching band??!?! might you know the mv marching band people???? might you know a little short clarinet player??? ahhhh!!!!!

Mavis Fausker said...

We aren't in marching band, but we know people who are. bndgk is one such person. I don't know if she's commented recently enough for you to be able to find her blog, though.

At CV I was in the band.

Miru said...

see... i went to orem... i know some people from cv... i wonder if i really know you... ahh... i really want to know! this is driving me crazy!

miss terri said...

hahahaha! the geek would know 9c i think. and there'd be connections if you swim. umm, what would be something that gives me away if you know me, mavis? i can't think of something outstanding.

Mavis Fausker said...

I don't know. You're weird, shortitsh, dark brown hair, likes chemistry, etc. I'm having difficulties setting you apart too, Terri. The things that set you apart the most aren't things that just anybody knows.

Open Eyes - if you WENT to OHS, then I again think I might know who you are, or at least I know people who know you. The people you mentioned going on missions ring bells in my head (namely from my cousin mentioning people with those same names going on missions).

miss terri said...

spanish. that's all i can think of. and we sing in the halls.

Miru said...

hahha, nancy sings in the halls too... actually, she sings everywhere... i have no idea what to say to give one of us away without actually giving us away.. if you know what i mean, lol
i do know swimmers though... do you know a cameron or ryan on the mv swim team?

Mavis Fausker said...

Ah, yes. I rarely see them, because they are slackers that never come to practice, but yes, I know them. And they'd recognize my name, I think. Maybe. I think that I even gave Cameron an animal identity a while back. Yes, yes I did. They're funny guys.

Miru said...

ya, lol, love cameron....
that's cool you know them... let's see... I, uh, draw... that's pretty much it... no clubs or anything, so i'm not helping with this whole find out who you are thing.. sorry

Miru said...

i think this blog has reached the all time commenting record... wow... 32, that's a ton