Wednesday, February 15, 2006

cold hands, lukewarm heart

crazy utah weather *grumble grumble snort*. i scraped snow onto my feet going out to my car today. i'm getting psycological whiplash. the fake bake is looking more and more appealing every day.i want the sun, i want.., i party. i want to party, party. yeah, anyway.
i finished a beautiful print today! it's the one thing that it going right with this assignment. perhaps it's just that print that i am meant to show. maybe it's really a manifestation of my deepest subconscious reaching out, trying to be noticed. that must be it.
in other news,, i'm thoroughly enjoying the atmosphere that san valentine left in his wake. all the females of the school (even the ones that did get stuff yesterday) are severely sexist around this time of year. it makes me laugh. they don't even notice. i know that even i follow the trend. i really, just, as much as i appreciate them, and ironically get along with them better than with most gals, i dislike males right now. *sigh* i want summer.


Miru said...

oh i am SO with you there! i am SO sick of winter cold i could puke! i hate it! and ya... it does make me laugh how so many girls are just full of so much hate... lol... probably myself included.. dunno.

Mavis Fausker said...

The bobcat suffers from solar-panel short-out too, bluebird! You're not alone!

Even though I usually like the snow, I really didn't like it today. I like it when I expect it. Today was just gloomy.

miss terri said...

keep me from knawing my foot off, k? i wish i had brighter-colored clothing. i will not be depressed, i will not be depressed, i will not be depressed, i will not...
you believe in me, right?

nicole said...

Hey I changed my picture! Well ya thanks for telling me all that stuff! hey there's no school toomorow (oops)or monday! YIPPIE! Well i'll ttyl!

Alexander said...

Amen a million. I'm not a big fan of the weather lately.

mystery man12 said...

Snow and cold make you tough for the hard times.
With out dark how can you enjoy light?
With out cold how can you enjoy the heat?
Some things are done on purpose my fine flowed friend.

(Sorry about the technical difficulty you can look at it now.)

Miru said...

who are you "mystery man"?
goodness.. full of all this advice... I like how you think and I like your other perspective...