Wednesday, February 08, 2006

rest stop

bathrooms are an important part of the intellectual processing of society. much can be learned about a group of people mearly from examining their bathrooms. as part of this, much can be learned from the writing in the bathrooms of a group of people. it's an important aspect. why is it that all public bathrooms have writing on them in the first place? it is a rather unique form of expression, though it's not localized to a particular area. by writing on the bathroom wall, you can write privately, yet the information is put forth for public consideration and enlightenment. it makes you wonder what the writing in the stalls of different places is like. like, central chicago vs. southern louisiana. or hawaii. or at standfort and oxford. i'm seriously considering grabbing a marker and jotting down some poetry in a bathroom stall.


nicole said...

ya the days are so we can dress up! It has been fun! Did I tell you about the orange crush thing? Well I paid for one to give to a guy!

Lindsey said...

Go ahead! I mean, I guess it technically counts as vandalism... But it's interesting. I actually read an article about the differences between what's written in each genders' bathrooms... I remember people asking rather private questions, haha, and having other random bathroom-goers answer them.

You know, if you added vowels to to my word verification... Haha, it's inappropriate, but funny.

nicole said...

Hey um I kinda commented on your last blog
-Nicole sansom

Whoa I never type my last name.

miss terri said...

i've always wondered about that. but, i guess that i will be left to wonder.

Mavis Fausker said...

We should totally find a random poem and do it. Not in Slick Writer, thought. Something else.

nicole said...

Yakima is a small town that is near... Seattle... It's actually a 5 hour drive from Yakima to Seattle. Um let's see Do you know where ellensburg is? It's about an 1 hour and 30 minutes from Ykima to there! Look on a map(of washington) and you'll see where it is!

miss terri said...

YUS! can we do lewis carroll? please?

um, never been to washington. or seatle i think. been to...idaho. *yay flag* well, i've beento nauboo once last summer. and cali once. and wyoming. hahaha, i spent my vacation in the middle of nowhere wyoming, sitting ON a tent at midnight, in a thunderstorm. singing girls' camp songs at the top of my lungs and laughing. i Love summer. *sigh*

nicole said...

Cool! Hey I was wondering... What would you do if you secretly gave a guy you liked one of the orange crush thingys, but, this hasn't happened yet but I'm a little worried that if he finds out he might not like that I gave it to him! So what should i do if that happens?

Mavis Fausker said...

Definitely Lewis Carroll, bluebird. Definitely. That stuff is good for the soul, it is.

Miamaid, I would tell you that if you're going to do it, do it, and let what follows, follow. But then, I'm not sitting on the verge of rejection, so I can answer cynically like that.

Lindsey said...

Don't worry about guys, Nicole. Really.

miss terri said...

yeah, don't worry about it. just be yourself and be nice to him.

nicole said...

Well today was cougars vs. huskies and he's huskies fan but today we were in the lunch line together and i was getting an icecream and he was like no no don't get that one... i was like ok what one should i get... he said I don't know... Then he was wearing cougars stuff and he was like to tell you the truth I'm really a huskies fan but I don't have any huskie shirts so I borrowed my brothers... I was like cool... he asked me what i was and i said none! He's like come on be a huskies fan! Then we always see eachother in switching class and I was like hey fake coug! He started to laugh. Well tonights b-ball game was a loosing game and we lost to our rival school by one lousy piont!!!!!!

nicole said...

I'm talking about spirit week and the guy I like!

miss terri said...

i guessed. i dunno. people at orem will sometimes wear mv stuff. we just shun them and make then kiss the tiger. bwahahah! wait..
i dunno, i'm a byu fan, but that's pretty much all the loyalty that i have. and the tigers, but that's obvious. Haha, have you seen sons of provo? it cracks me up. go tigers.

Lindsey said...

I'm in Sons of Provo, haha. An extra, of course... Hahaha.

nicole said...

What's that? Sorry am I suposed to know? Hey so I got my haircut and omg I love it they cut about 6 inches off! It's short and layered! You can look on my blog to see it!

miss terri said...

nathan is too. sons of provo! the mormon movie! like singles ward and the rm. they're heavy into the utah mormom culture. i love 'em. :D um, when my brother came home from the mish, he had to sleep in the storage room. and was socially disfunctional. it makes me laugh. men can scrapbook! hah! yeah, whatever. true utah culture!

collinhead said...

wow, i just realized i had never been to your blog! i feel bad, since you're always commenting on mine. anyway, i totally carved "fetch" into a bathroom wall once. seemed to go along with the other f type words floating around in there.

sons of provo! yes! lol.. i saw that on the big screen when it was still at full price theaters.. and i got that everclean cd a while ago for my birthday. still cracks me up. yo whats with the funky piano? so last time i was at orem i pretended to spit on that tiger and some kid saw me and i had to run for my life. i didn't even actually do anyhting to it. lame.

Mavis Fausker said...

But see, it the Tiger. Stepping on it is bad enough, but spitting...I would have come after you with a venegeance. ;) I'm a second generation Oremite.

nicole said...

Hey on valentine's day look at my blog!!!! I'm serious don't forget!!!! It's for you and a couple other people... when you look on it before you look on it look at the comments and you'll understand!!!
Sorry this is confusing!!!

miss terri said...

don't feel too bad. however, spitting on the tiger is cause for disembodiment. i'm the fifth to go through those doors, so i uphold the tiger pride. WAY better than being a bruin. especially if you're a guy, as you happen to be.
what creativity is there to "fetch" though? "flippant" is way more better. jajaja

9c said...

wow if i hadn't of already been a bruin, i would totally go for orem. you guys have so much school spirit, i'm overcome with jealousy. kiss the tiger--oh i LOVE it! our stupid mv people don't even know what "spirit" means. and the poor bruin sits in the front hall, completely ignored...yes, if i could, i would be a tiger.

i was about to say that i will now be brutally impaled by my fellow bruins who happen to see this, but they wouldn't even care, except that maybe their friend is going to a school other than their's. most bruins don't even deserve to be called bruins.

one thing that i will say, however, is that bruin softball 2006 is going to DOMINATE!!!! ok, i'm done.

Mavis Fausker said...

See, we're way spirited for everyday stuff, but none of us ever go to games. I mean, in our latest HOME game against the bulldogs, they had more fans than we did. At least the bruins support their teams. Even if your cheers are lame. ;)

Buebird, we should reincarnate the Tiger-rats. I don't think we could do it, per se (you're not mean enough, and I have to be in the mood). But I think certain people could be manipulated...hah. Yes. The Tiger-rats and the Dynasty Days. Both need to be brought back.

miss terri said...

tiger rats? umm, lost.
i can be mean! look: see terri. see terri be mean. terri is SOOO mean. grrr.

collinhead said...

i think i kissed the bruin once, i'm not sure. i can't remember if i actually did. school spirit? i'm full of school spirit, what are you talking about. i totally just killed some kid for mentioning orem the other day. no wait, just kidding. i go to all our basketball games...

nicole said...

I'm really glad you liked the Valentine I sent you!!! Well anywho I'm single too! No worries your not alone although sometimes it seems you are!! I'm really glad we met and stay friends for as long as there is internet!! LOL!!

Miru said...

whatever nancy! i'm like the spirit queen! lol... i have wicked awesome spirit! i dress up and everything! wa hoo!!! you and me both! go bruins!

but yes i agree... orem has wicked awesome spirit... i am jealous of some of their cheers too.... *blush*

Mavis Fausker said...

Tiger Rats. Prepare for a history lesson, Terri.

Back in the day, when kids had to walk uphill both ways to school (or when my mom drove around the corner and down the street out of laziness), there were soccer players. Not just any soccer players. These were the soccer players of the Dynasty Days, when OHS won Region every year for a great many years, and took 1-3rd at state every year but one in that span of time. Now, these soccer players got bored during the winter. Thus, they went to the basketball games. But they were no ordinary fans.

They wore shirts that said "Athletic Supporter" on the front and "Tiger Rat" on the back (a spin-off of Tigerette). They would shout cruel cheers at the ref, but most especially at the opposing team's best player. A certain sweeper claims that the meanest thing they ever said was, "Hey ref, are you sure you've got the whislte in the right end?" Eventually, they were banned from the basketball games.

Guess who the sweeper was? Well, my family isn't a soccer family for nothing!

Anyway, I think the Tiger Rats could be a good thing, if kept withing certain bounds (i.e. Don't get banned, or you defeat the purpose).

miss terri said...

yes! we can be the greatest tiger rats and carry on the pride! i'm all for it. well, as long as they're home games - no money mav. it's a plague sweeping through my pockets. ahahaha! we shall dominate!