Wednesday, March 29, 2006

fairly truthful

I am stubborn. I have long ago accepted the fact as a fundamental part of my nature. I will be the first to admit that, when I get something into my head, good or bad, I stick to it like a big wad of duct tape. But just because I'm stubborn doesn't mean that I'm not right.
In third grade, my family found a piece of paper at our house that created quite an uproar. I've always prided myself on being a good student; I always do my homework the night that it's given and I promptly turn it in on time, if not early. I never forget. So when my mom held up the paper, the affixed question dangling in front of me, I was almost offended. No, of course the homework was not mine. The question turned next to my second grade brother, Spence. Spence has never been as school-oriented as I. While A's are run of the mill for me, the Hallelujah Chorus breaks out if Spence comes anywhere near one. The recovered English worksheet must be his. He looked at it carefully, then shook his head.
“Nope, not mine, Mom.”
“Well, it has to be somebody's,” she said, “and it needs to be filled out and turned in.”
I couldn't believe it. Spence was either lying or had completely forgotten an assignment. How do you forget a school assignment? Needless to say, the problem of the paper did not stop with the singular incident. It swelled and bloomed into a Venus fly trap that started chomping any time the conversation came to close to the subject. I firmly said, stated, then screamed that the homework was not mine and there was no way in Kentucky that I was going to do it. Spence followed suit and we both lost count of the times we were sent to our rooms for fighting over the paper. I still have the scars.
Finally, Mom had had enough. She dragged me into Spence's room one day, sat me on the bed, and folded her arms.
“I'm going to ask the two of you one more time: Whose assignment is this?”
We both folded our arms and glared at each other. “It's not mine,” I said, and tried to get up to leave. Mom shoved me back down.
“It's not mine either!” Spence was shoved down too.
“Fine. There are only two of you, so it can't be anyone else's. No little homework fairy snuck in and left it on the living room floor. If neither of you are willing to claim it, then we will go to your teachers. Whoever it belongs to will apologize to the other and will buy them a king-size candy bar out of their allowance.” She snatched the paper off the bed and stalked from the room.
A bet! Mom was really serious if she was setting up a bet. We were never allowed to bet. Spence bet me I wouldn't eat a live spider once. When I did, he told Mom and I was grounded for a week after getting my mouth washed out with Dad's old soap. Somehow, Spence wasn't punished. Well, it wasn't my homework, and I wasn't going to lose.
It seemed like an eternity before Mom arrived after school the next day. At last, she marched into the room and up to Mrs. Foster, holding the now rumpled and dirty scrap of homework, Spence trailing behind.
“Excuse me,” she began, “but is this Amy's? An owner cannot be found at my home and I was wondering if you could help us.”
“Hmm...” Mrs. Foster puzzled, “it looks like our grade level, but I'm afraid that I've never seen that paper before. It can't be Amy's.”
Yes! I stuck my tongue out at Spence and grinned triumphantly. I imagined the glorious chocolate that was as good as in my mouth. I smiled as we headed out of the room and to Spence's classroom; Mom had promised to check with both teachers. She approached Spence's slender teacher and asked the question that I already knew the answer to.
“Does this homework belong to Spence?” she asked.
“Hmm...” (Teachers seem to say “hmm” a lot.) “No, I'm afraid that assignment doesn't belong to my class. Perhaps one of the other teachers could help you.”
What? No! It was his! It had to be! My mother's expression echoes my thoughts. The three of us walked stiffly out to the car, too dumbfounded to say anything. What were we supposed to do? Mom pulled out of the parking lot and started down the street. I stared blindly out the car window until we passed a billboard for The Thomas Theatre. It had a picture of a fairy. I pointed it out to Spence and he burst out laughing.
“It's the Homework Fairy!” He exclaimed.
Stupid fairy. I wanted that candy bar. No, I'm not bitter, I just wanted my candy bar, which I never got by the way. Yes, I know, I'm stubborn. I still hate that fairy.


miss terri said...

sorry, it's another long post. i hope you still enjoy it.

Mavis Fausker said...

I enjoyed it!

But I still think you need to tweak it.

I think I'll post mine...if I get it done before it's due. I don't have Amy's tendencies. ;D

collinhead said...

i liked it.. i read the whole thing :) which i don't normally do even on people i know well, so it must have been interesting. this isn't you, is it.. cuz last time i forgot your name it was imprinted in my brain. its probably something from the last post, which i didn't read. sorry.

miss terri said...

hey thanks!
i'm revamping it as i write.
i couldn't use my name in the story. the character's name was amy from the personality excersize that we did in class. she also has long, beautiful, dark brown hair, plays piano, and is very people-y, it just doesn't come up in the story. i liked playing off of stubborn, which she got from me.
i think that i've figured it out, mav. see, i'm jealous of your story skills. i can't come up with something from nothing. i Can't make up stories worth burnt beans. i can Tell stories, though. all that i need is a rough idea of what's going on. the same thing applies to art; i can't draw because i have no idea where to start or what to even draw in the first place. my brain just doesn't work like that. or when we went into the studio? i had to get a personsality and rough story sketch before i could pose any pictures at all.
so, uh, that's my new self-analysis. i think that i'm fairly easy to understand. you just have to not think too hard. drinking lots of orange juice and singing the abc's helps too.

Mavis Fausker said...

Well, we all have different skills. Honestly, I get a little envious of your first-person storytelling. If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, telling stories in first person drives me crazy! But I love reading it that way, and often it's the best choice. This story, for example, wouldn't have been nearly as good in third person.

Lindsey said...

That was really good! I loved it!

nicole said...

So I wish I could go to cali but well it's not my choice! I could go to Disney Land!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! So I am really itchy because I touched this stuff where it makes little slivers go into my skin and I am seriously about to chop my hands off!!!!!!!OOOOUUUUUU!!!!!

Miru said...

ooo I liked it... I was very interested the whole way through... oh the suspense at the end! ^_^
I draw... dunno how I got that skill, not that I'm that good.. I like to come up with something from nothing.. well, sort of nothing, I draw a random line and get something from that and ya.. you get what i mean..
Yes, and I love orange juice! couldn't live without it

collinhead said...

orange juice is good.. milk is better. i had some whole milk today, very thick. very weird. i'm used to 1% milk. yeah, chew on that one. well i have some news, anyone who is interested check my blog. just spreading the news.

miss terri said...

spew. i like skim more as i drink more of it. orange juice is liquid sunshine.
i'm glad that y'all like it, and that i have the approval of the ohs english person. i like it too. i feel first person, and that's how i write. i'm afraid i become rather attatched to my stories, and everyone else's.
i'll miss you collin.

Miru said...

Amen to the liquid sunshine!

I know, I'll miss him too... actually I won't, I see him everyday

collinhead said...

check my blog again. move your mouse over it, and wait.

miss terri said...

you stink.

Miru said...

i know, he does

nicole said...

I AM IN OREGON! IT'S SPRING BREAK! I am having tons of fun! Look at my blog for day to day updates! Wow my grandparents are arguing right now! My cousins are so annoying! "come play with us" I have been hereing that day in day out! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I guess overall i am having fun though!

Mavis Fausker said...

Man, Collin, that was evil.

I decided not to post my assignment. It's too long (with adjusted margins, it's three pages! I'm proud of its shortness).

miss terri said...

ahaha! mine was only nearly two with the margins! but i think that you followed your character better. mine was swallowed up in me. what was amicus's about? i heard about his song. i like it.
i love my family, just so you all know.

Mavis Fausker said...

I've never done well making characters completely me. Take Ayliel, for example. She was almost me, at one point, but not quite. Suhayda is the same way. Almost me, but at the same time not. He's just the most me out of the six. Maric is just weird. I really don't know where he came from any more. At one point he had a source, but he...evolved.

I didn't get to read Amicus's. We should ambush him and make him turn over a copy.

nicole said...

Hey well I have a new post up! I am having so much fun here It is nice and sunny today! I am happy Utah is getting better! Well ttyl!