Tuesday, March 07, 2006

paired up

i went shopping with my dad today. to...The Mall. my mom refused to take me. it's too graphic. but by easing my father behind the wheel of only car with gas in it by saying i needed to go to the library, ( i really did. those cds are two days overdue.) i manuvered the Pickup to...The Mall.
i've needed shoes since october. half of my "nice clothes" were completed by a pair of flip flops. no longer so, and i've been wearing winter shoes since. but i long to wear that other half. not having any money myself, i am dependant upon my parental figures. however, when approached with the subject, my mother shudders and either says, "later" or that the boys are practically falling out of their shoes. she's never really liked shopping herself, especially at...The Mall.
now, the boys have the unfair advantage of feet that are yet growing. i haven't budged since eighth grade. i get shoes once a year. maybe. they get shoes every couple months. and thus i finangled the black flats out of forever young and onto my rather reluctant feet.(i like them, but how can i love them after my flip flops? they're just...aquaintances.) but it got me thinking about the extent to which i manipulate my parents and, quite often, cause contention within their relationship. everyone does it; it's human nature. mom isn't gonna sway, so you sweet talk daddy, and then slip away when the two start to talk. a couple needs to have a very stable relationship before children. while kids do strengthen the bond, it needs to be able to withstand the inevitable tug-of-war that children will inflict upon their parents.
that's my profound thought, and geeky shopping experience for the day. *sigh* maybe if i "forget" my shoes tomorrow it will make me feel better. except that people check my feet now. weirdos.


Miru said...

hhahahhaha! wow.. you make me laugh.... i want to see these new "aquaintances".... hmmm... my parents are the exact opposite... i can get pretty much whatever i want out my mom... well, most of the time... but nada out of my dad, he's a stubborn mule, but i love him! good luck with that parent manipulation, lol

nicole said...


miss terri said...

you don't have anything new up, mia. what's there to say that hasn't been said? chill. make a new post and they will come. think yoda.

it depends on what i want. some aspects my dad has a more liberal view on, and others my mom is more lenient on.
hmm, i donno how to show you my shoes.

Miru said...

i know how you can show me your shoes! come to the wicked awesome stake dance at cherry stake I told you about!!!! you totally should come.... we're all going ... well, most... to be there!

miss terri said...

wear Shoes...to a dance? Weird. i think that i've worn shoes to a dance like, twice.

Mavis Fausker said...

Well, you always wear them TO the dance. Whether you wear them AT the dance or not is the issue here. I don't know how you do it, honestly. Whenever I try your method, I end up with blisters that cover the entirety of the balls of my feet.

miss terri said...

i got a blister once. other than that i'm okay. normally i wear flip flops, but you're right; i have worn shoes TO a dance more often. other than that...oh, what should i wear?!

Mavis Fausker said...

You're such a girl! ;)

Wear something you would usually wear, you goose.

nicole said...

Ok i have new stuff up!

9c said...

hey hey guess what i never wear shoes what what are shoes