Saturday, March 04, 2006

too much time on my hands

avoiding my homework, lalalalala. i do need to read and do math soon. plus, i've been on the computer WAY too long for good health or hygiene. i need a hobby. i need to call amicus. is it too late for that? i know not.
but, i should leave you with something edifying before i depart. hmm..this'll work:

A turkey should never be carved until it has been out of the oven at least 30 minutes. This permits the inner cooking to subside and the internal meat juices to stop running. Once the meat sets, it's easier to carve clean, neat slices.

happy saturday all!


Mavis Fausker said...

That was certainly edifying, bluebird. But it was definitely not more edifying than the chalk that was on my driveway yesterday. ;)

Miru said...

hmm... i will remember that always

Noah said...

You should have called me. I bet you did; I was on the phone for a while, so I wouldn't have gotten your call (if you called between 6:45-8:15, that is.) I need something sweet to eat, like, some kind of candy. See ya later!