Thursday, April 06, 2006

april fool

it's not my fault. i promise. i think it's a genetic mutation. like psycological cancer. i blame it on genetics, low sleep, and uncoordinated administration.
see, stress is normal, pressure is normal, but my reaction to them is not normal. and it's not fair. i used to be able to leave my work where it belonged: in the books. now it's always with me, sitting in the back of my head, talking me through life, the universe, and everything. photo is now and electrochemistry review, scripture mastery brings entropy to mind, and from there i think of relationships and visa-versa. i see chocolate and i think of calrimetry and the pH of your physiological system. even lord of the rings is tainted. vases have me thinking of integrals, and lines always twist themselfs into graphs. it may be a form of dislexia. i can't even go unconscious to it; i fell asleep in seminary the other day and had to do calculus instead. when i finally get to sleep at night, i do homework or labs or sit by the river trying to take logs. phillip and michael (stuffed animals, jsyk) say that i babble non-sensically and they somehow end up on the floor by morning, while i'm being eaten by a twisted mass of blankets. i've ceased making sense to my friends, my family, and really anyone but mavis. help me! i'm going under! my tenuous connection to reality is fading.
and i need to shoot 30 color on saturday. please inquire.
Praise the thunder god!
i think i'm gonna go make a polyatomic ion poster, pack tomorrow's lunch, and cuddle with my review books.


Mavis Fausker said...

I need to do some review-book cuddling. And I need to re-write the polyatomics on my mirror. No poster will save me, but the mirror might.

I'm glad you still make sense to me. When that stops, we'll know you're [doom]ed.

Noelle said...

sick...even though that happens to me all the time. One time, I was trying to decide how to do my hair, and somehow my frazzled brain decided that if I took the integral of something, I would know...I'm very sorry

Lindsey said...

Ah, junior year was so much fun... That's why my schedule consists primarily of English and extracurricular/fillers... Plus requirements that I didn't bother taking (health and gov.) which are ridiculously easy once you have gone through a few AP courses.

Tor, eh? Oh, you spell it Thor here... Why the 'h'? I actually know why, but that's besides the point...

miss terri said...

i was trying to calculate photographs today. it didn't work too well and i was getting queasy.

miss terri said...

next year, i should run for student body duck.

Mavis Fausker said...

Heh! You're no duck!

But I'd vote for you. We should totally make posters.

collinhead said...

mmm, review books.

since i'm not smart or anything, instead of doing calculus in my brain i think of computer things. i program and reprogram strange programs and databases in my head, and every time i see a website i have to figure out how it works before moving on. also keeps me up at night.. i don't think i've had a non-twisted sleeping arrangement for more than a year. stupid brain, i need a new one.

i had fun taking pictures with you on saturday though, i hope i wasn't too obnoxious. you didn't talk too much over my head. i'm sure you had to dumb it down for me, but thats okay.

miss terri said...

uhg. sounds like a party.

i was glad that you came. it was fun. :)

Mavis Fausker said...

Collin, when we "talk smart", we usually involve talking about dating, lunchboxes, playgrounds, and small, skinny bullies. We take the dummy version of AP Chemistry.

Computers make my head spin. Even making these blogs work nearly takes every bit of computer know-how I have. At least Terri can post pictures! She's talented.

miss terri said...

ahahaha! talent! i get help from my daddy.
it's not dummy chem, it's just alternative learning. i love it. especially the skinny bullies with the lunchboxes. and the bungie cord. and dating.