i was listening to conference on the picnic table and i started drooling. i don't remember falling asleep. it's nice. i think i'll wear cap sleeves tomorrow. my arms are still really warm. i love it, but when i came in my dad took a look at me and sat me down for a lecture on carcenogens. *sigh* i love it, but i'm not a fan of cancer, or pre-wrinkly, both of which i'm very prone to. pasty contest 2006! i'm totally winning this year. *grumble grumble mutt grumble*

on the other foot, i actually did my homework yesterday! color 2006 gets three thumbs up! it was inspired, dramatic, and full of flare. let's take a gander shall we?
the first i like to call jacob's firetruck. there was a safety fair at the church yesterday. it was pretty fun.

later, taking the advice of my paternal figure, i headed to the IFA store. it's apparently a really hip hangout for chicks. and bunnies.
looking around, i also happened to run into a lone m-vite. and looking rather dashing in his pink hat.

unfortunately, i believe he later got caught in a fiber-optic bailing machine. or perhaps that was before the chicks. either way, he doesn't seem too torn up about it. yay for blue flip-flops!

i love the quizzical look on those chicks' faces. :)
and who is that sexy man in your pics.. :P too bad he died in a fiber-optic... machine.. accident.
See, you had fun without me on Saturday! No lynchings should occur!
I'm a fan of the chicks too.
I think my first and last color assignment is going to flop on me.
no! don't let it! oh ye, of sweet digital camara-ness, do not lose the faith.
Is collin gay? LOL! Ya but who is that hotty! (With a naughty body) LOL J/k
So now I am the little maid? Well yes for your info I am back and glad to be! Ya so my aunt read my blog while I was in the bathroom and it says how annoying her kids are...OOPS! Oh well! So I met a new guy by the name of jake and he is a freahman like me and well he danced with me 2 times and well I really like him now but still not quite sure if he likes me! So what should I do?
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no way is that who I think it is? COLLIN?
whoa wait is it? I am really confused but if it is collin WOW!
But my sweet digital camera has no zoom capabilities (well, not any worth mentioning) and I know not how to narrow the depth of field. Without said narrowed depth of field, Way of Life shall never be the fruition of my ambition.
But I got a new roll of film, so I'm going to develop the twelve I have already and then do a new roll. Hopefully it's light enough tomorrow to take pictures inside the Rec. Center. *hopes that Sprinter/Wring doesn't strike again*
huh. you're kinda weird mia.
my digital has no zoom either. all but two of the chick pics were blurry. me enoja poca. poco loco.
i hope that your pics turn out. i burned my cd just barely.
i love my camera.. it's a rebel.. literally.. muah ha...
i like the firetruck one.. that fiber-optic... machine... accident... made me laugh how you descibed it
nah, its not me, just someone very hott. i may want his naughty body.
i likes your camera, its so rebellious. way better better than mine. my camera like.. conforms to society. i like canons though, i'm so used to all the controls. but apperently i'm banned from using the camera ever again.. whatev.
OK I have a challenge for you! You get until may 1st to take pictures of 3 hott guys, 1 best friend and well 2 dogs! Make that puppies! Lets see if you can take on my challenge!
Ya well I have a canon digital camera and it has been ok faithful to me...One time it earsed all of my 300 pictures but other wise.....
I still want to know why I am weird!
i shoot a canon. not a rebelios one, but one that's just spunky enough to classify as sassy. yeah, sassy. it's stinkin; old and i love it to bits. i do want a digital slr though. or just a little digital to take on trips and stuff for the quick and dirty. or not so dirty, mainly quick. and convenient. i'm jealous of mavis's. i like it.
i can't really explain. but i'm not taking any challanges from anybody at the moment. i'm trying too hard to hold on to what little sanity i have, thanks. i've taken over 100 pictures in the last two days, and have another assignment that we're doing on thursday. schitzo 6th graders. oi.
ha, yeah. gay. no. i don't really wanna take pictures of hott guys. maybe girls. puppies. etc. i really want a cute little digital camera too, i dont have one. i'm banned from using my family's camera for some reason. my mom went all pms on me and screamed at everyone in the house over nothing. kinda scary, but whatev. i stayed in my room while she yelled at my dad, my sisters, my brothers, and eventually me all in turn. quite an interesting day. no i'm really not gay, nobody think that cuz thats scary. k? deal.
<3 collin
schitzo 6th graders? sweet.
Ooh, prettyness... I really like the firetruck one!
Ok I was just wondering if you wanted to take it on! Well You people lied to me! That really is collin! Ya I know your not gay collin! But You still haven't told me why I am weird!
I went to cape kwianda for spring break! It was sooo fun! Well comment me on mine!
yeah, maybe i am gay and you don't know it yet.
ew, no i can't let that comment stay unanswered for that long, scares me. people might be believin'.
yeah. the pink hat was meant to be...what was the word? oh, Masculine. :)
if you say so.
i thought it was masculine, i just didn't think anyone else would. :P with the whole brokeback mountain thing.. :P
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