Friday, April 21, 2006


i've been dubbed "the little girl." neil's kinda weird. i've gotten my homework done thiks week, and studied about half the time that i meant to. the crazy penguin got out of school this week too, so we've been chillin', which ends up being a disorienting, semi-frightening experience.
yesterday we went shooting off the coast of the lake somewhere. i Stink. it didn't help that the guns were proportioned for persons larger than i. i didn't really know what to do and ended up kind of standing around for most of it. la la la la. i stop listening when they start talking about the stupid stunts they've done. or are planning to do. that tends to be a problem since it's neil and ryan (think about it).
today i came home from the library (i got sick of all the kids there for story time picking on me. stupid munchkins.), did chores and stuff and got called to go up the canyon with some relative penguins and the green man. commandos is a fun game, though painful in shorts and bare feet. (k, how was i supposed to run in flick-flocks?). we roasted marshymallus and headed to the green man's house.
i think i must just have the mentality and personality that poses me as everyone's little sister. it makes me laugh. especially when i hang out with guys, i'm the kid who's poked, teased, and on the side lines of the think of things, getting pulled in to play when they feel like playing a little softer. it's a nice break from being responsible and doing all my work though, which is why i think i like hanging out with them. i would expound further on my thesis, but i'm too tired. maybe banana.
*yawn* i felt sheepish when i fell asleep on the ride home. the green man's car vibrates A Lot and i can never stay conscious in a car anyway. mmmm, like one of those baby swings. except it smelled like pizza instead of baby powder. i have a hard time waking up, and they were making fun of me when i couldn't talk or understand.


Mavis Fausker said...

The green man has a car? Even I didn't know that!

Oh wait, yes I did. I lied.

miss terri said...

he's a dominos deliverer.