Saturday, April 29, 2006

chlorophylic metamorphosis

i'm one step closer to photosynthetic perfection; i'm an alien. or a plant. either/or. i whacked that lawn today. more than just mowed; Whacked. i like to think of it as domestic bush-whacking. except it's the lawn, sort of. we have lawn that grows like male facial hair. chores are an adventure when you work with combustible hunks o' junk. my feet are Caked green up to my ankles and my pants are smeared with the same. it smells oddly like fish. weird.
the closer it gets to wednesday, the more trouble i'm having studying. i can't concentrate. i'm quite distractable and my brain is sloshy. bad java. i was supposed to go to the review session after school yesterday, but my brain was fried, so i went to the park for spiringfest. BwaHahaHa! Burn, old man winter, BURN! food, friends, frisbee, giant kickball, and a guitar. plus, we went home and watched "what's up,, doc?". what more could you want? oi. i'm Doomed. i did go to the library today, though. but i didn't get a heck of a lot done. i studied for an hour, hung out in the courtyard for an hour, then went back and half-studied for another hour. yep. definitely DOOMED.


Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, if you're doomed, what am I? I haven't been to a review session yet. My scores are consistently very low, and I haven't ever really tried to take a free response section yet.

Currently, my preparation for U.S. History is on the fence. Of the two practice tests in my review book, on the first I scored 55.75 out of 80. Not bad, considering. On the second, I got 32.25. Ouch. More or less, all those random acts elude me and the sixties are not something I have been taught about.

Chemistry is my solace. I feel like I might scratch out a three.

Moreover, you know how to study. I've never studied extensively before.

nicole said...

I am so happy! I don't know why? Oh well bye bye

collinhead said...

yeah, me too. i mowed and whacked lawns for this old lady the other day. i was rather green and brown. i probably smelled like fish cuz i took a dip in the provo river.. i didn't study though. so we have a few things in common.

Miru said...

it's ok... calculus is going to be the death of me... it really is.. we can have a doomed club

nicole said...

WOW collin that was really great to know!!!! Ya well I really need collin's help but he isn't talking to me for some reason......I have commented him like 3 times....what's up with him!? Well ttyl....also you should comment on mine because I don't get comments from you peeps so ya It would be nice to get some.....

miss terri said...

we're both going to PASS,, no worries there and you know it. but "Pass" is a little different, relatively.
we should have a doom club. we can meet as soon as the tests are over. :P

Mavis Fausker said...

Even passing calculus is questionable for me. If I get a 50%, it'll be a miracle. And it will again all be due to free response. Partial credit, yipee! Yay, point!

collinhead said...

deal with collin is he rarely checks that blog ;)

nicole said...

Oh ic!!!!! So anyways ya it was mayday yesterday....I miss you guys and some random person I don';t know sent me something and they are from orem......
got to go