Friday, October 27, 2006


i think that everyone should work in fast food at least once in their life. there is a lot to learn from working for minimum wage, under pressure, with hungry stressed people. in addition to the people skills that it teaches you, food service awakens the worker in the fundamental aspects of staple food quality. you learn patience, persistence, anad selective apathy. you can overcome your fear of intimidating people in positions of power. you learn what good food is, and what good food Isn't. you learn how to make food in a way that you might eat it. you learn that sometimes you just gotta suck it up and do the bad jobs. you learn that most of the time, the customer is NOT right. you learn to be more easy-going.
were everyone to actually Work Behind the scenes at their frequent food haunts, lawsuits would decrease astronomically. common customer curtesy might become more common. the customers might actually have a realistic perception of what exactly they are ingesting into their systems, and what the preparatory are like. obesity would plummet, and those. fast food taught me the meaning of displaced anger; all the time people are yelling in your face for things that often aren't even remotely your fault. it's not my fault that the price went up, that there are a billion people that came into the restaurant at the same time as you, that we happen to be out of your favorite item, that i have to check your i.d., or that i haven't been informed that You get a special discount for being the fourtieth bum from savers to walk in on tuesday after three.
anyway, i've had nothing much to think about without homework (i'm saving english for tomorrow), but the screen looked like it needed a boost. I haven't even been to work this week. and i do like my job. it's not as bad as people make it out to be. society is rather pecimistic, and i just like to sit on the porch beside it sometimes being morbid and cynical. makes me laugh.


Mavis Fausker said...

Morbidity and cynicism are more than half the reason I write most of the stuff I do. ;)

miss terri said...

true 'nuf.