it's interesting to compare these pictures to those that i took a month ago and posted. as soon as november hit, those leaves came down like candy on a skittles commercial. everything's brown and crackly and you get the feeling like the world is wrapping up, brushing its teeth, and getting ready for bed. i guess that it deserves a rest, what with the big show that it's put on.

i find it reassuring that there is some predictability to life, particularly in the weather at the moment, even in utah. fall comes in some shape or form, as does the winter, icing the waterfalls like my mom's zuccini cake.

i love the color of the canyon. makes it hard when i need black and white for my portfolio. i decided that i should go as the sun was getting lower (it helped that that was the time that i happened to have a car too) to get richer contrast and texture. it worked sometimes, but other times it actually flattened the pictures.

one thing about this year that is different, however, is my reaction to the oncoming season. normally, i'd be getting mellow to the point of sad as winter sets in. instead, i have all this unexplainable energy. it's like the feeling you get when Christmas is a week away, except that i still have over a month.
anyway, enough of all the backshots. the last photo just makes me laugh. society's kind of silly sometimes.

I really like the one of the road. And the waterfall. The last one makes me think of water polo.
i like all of them, even if one sort of looks rendered. it's still my baby.
You are an AMAZING photographer, with incredible talent. Holy. Cow.
Society is always silly Miss Terri, loved the first picture
thanks, guys!
yeah rauf, you're probably right.
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