Tuesday, November 14, 2006

joyful noise!

yay for windows 2000 and a usb port that works!


Mavis Fausker said...

Huzzah! Happy day!

You should still name him something like "Hernandez". Or he could be "Murcielaghombre"! That's really fun to yell. You could call him Murcy--as opposed to Marcy--for short.

miss terri said...

i like the name "hernandez". i think it'll stick.
i also like the word "avuncular", meaning of or pertaining to uncles. "epithet" is a good one too, though with not as good a definition as "avuncular".

collinhead said...

murciela.... woah. reminds me of fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf. fhqwgads for short. as seen on sbemail.

Mavis Fausker said...

It means "Batman."

collinhead said...

oh that makes sense.. if i was more smart i could have half figured that out. lol, bat man.