Tuesday, November 14, 2006

put off

i'm so sick of being at school with nothing to do durning this period. my progression in this area has stemmed and it angers me. with no output, i sit here stewing while i wait for the one printer that we have (i do have a single picture to print). the teacher called mt yesterday to move the photo day to thursday because of the weather, which i found out when i walked into the classroom. the weather is Beautiful. i should be Outside shooting photographs of self-conscious little munchkins.
in addition, the teacher is giving me looks that imply a flagrance which is not mine.
i suppose that this all has a good lesson to learn, somewhere. it must relate to trust on other people and the reliance one has that what the teacher says is going on is really what's going on. and patience. there's a lot of that mixed in too. i hate being taught patience. i don't want that virtue. that lesson is more frustrating than thermochem. all i know is that i'm going crazy, and that's a lesson that i've had presented many times already.
k, i'm done. i'm going to go to the other side of the classroom to be morbid and cynical while i read david copperfield. we'll be buds, me and dave.

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