Saturday, August 13, 2005

campo/The Morning

i thought that we weren't going to have it this year because of the cove, but we went to a neighbor's cabin for two nights. *snort* "camp" this year had electricity, inside bathrooms, running water, fans, and mattresses (we had a disco party last night. :) singing, dancing, flastlights..what more could you want?). yep, that's
roughin' it. but it was fun. it was more like a retreat, and nice to have right before school starts. i got to have friends that were girls (they laughed at
my feeble attempts to be girly...i have hot pink polka-dotted toenails now. they're pretty rad. you should see them.), and i got to be away from my family, closer to nature.
i loved the mornings! there were BiG window on the second floor where we slept, so
i woke up with the sun both days. God definitely is a morning person. He loves all of his children, and gives All of them the Beautiful day, but for those who
are willing to sacrifice (sleep) for Him, He gives them the Morning. the Morning can i put it? there's the Gorgeous Sky, the cool air, and just the
serenity that comes with it. it's like He made it just to tell YOU Good Morning and He Loves You. nothing else matters. plus no one else is around and...arg.
it's a just a feeling and i can't convey it. am i making any kind of sense at all? i wish that i could show you. it's important. *sigh* anyway...


miss terri said...

know what? i don't even care about the funky format.

Mavis Fausker said...

I was wondering about that.

I understand about what you mean about the sunrises and mornings and stuff. As little as I like waking up early, it is way awesome.

miss terri said...

oh good. i'm not dilusional.

Alexander said...

I agree. While I prefer sunsets to the sunrise, watching the sun come over Cascade Mountain is kinda magical in a way.

Lindsey said...

Yes, I understand what you mean. But I'm not a morning person at all... I've fallen in love with seeing the night. I love, love, love night. Too much, probably.. But that was a beautiful description of morning. I'll try to appreciate that more now.