Monday, August 01, 2005

terrible teens

have you ever had the feeling of everything changing in quicktime? or just being pulled back, out of yourself, and having to watch for a minute before you realize what's going on? sometimes i am completely bowled over by the people that i think that i know. they act so out of charater for the person that i think they are and i can't figure out when or what happened to the person i knew. am i that way? i have to think that this is just a common sentiment, just part of being an adolecent among her piers, but it's unnerving to think that yet another part of my enviornment is not quite what it seems and the illusion of stability is just that: an illusion. sometimes i resent having to go through the adolecent phase; having to watch everyone's and my own insecurety. it's so disorrienting. being a teenager is like going through the terrible two's, except everyone is bigger and you can talk more. but then, two year-olds can be the funnest things sometimes. i guess that those are the times that you want to focus on, and just suck it up through the others. oi.


David said...

Enjoy it while you can!

Mavis Fausker said...

I'll try to be stable for you, bluebird. However, I can't make any promises, especially when I'm going through severe story brainstorming like I am now. Scenes are unfolding in my head faster than I can keep them straight; I can't be sure I'll be stable either.

Kyra said...

Wow! You put your finger right on it! I love your blog! Good stuff. :)

miss terri said...

so many people! what the wiscanson?! that's disorienting and a half. but thanks! :D
ah ha ha, mental insability provokes the pen. i think that's why i like english. that and english doesn't make sense so i can relate to it a lot. it's a good way to express yourself. well mavis, let me know when your brain cools off. i want to hear of these new scene developments. :,

Mavis Fausker said...

No you don't; they wouldn't make much sense.

My brain is still in overdrive. When a four hour shift at work passes as if it were one full rotation (an hour and 15 minutes) with no random songs written, I KNOW that I'm deep into my stories. And all I planned at work was bloodlines and the way a character had to dress to impersonate a Sfereshan and a palace servant.

miss terri said...

yeah, okay you win. that sounds pretty bad. you fiction writers are weird ones. i'll stick to my essays thank you very much (hmm, i never wrote that article on split! i need to read. no writing for me come back 1 year.)

Mavis Fausker said...

I would NEVER bring you to a Writers' Block meeting with the Lindon Folk, bluebird. You would die. So many fiction writers in such a confined gets quite frightening at times, even for those who are used to it. Beware the Eep and the laser katana! Don't ask!

I really need to get off this writing high though. I need to do my chemistry!!! And chapter 8 looks eternally long. That's what I have to look forward to the next time I open those books. We should make flashcards for the memorization though. Then we could spend hours studying. Or we could study while making breakfast...;D

miss terri said...

yeah, you're pwobabwy wite.
i mave the polyatomic ions down; i wrote them all on my mirror and so i look at them every morning and night or anytime i go to the bathroom. do you know what in the boonies the seven strong bases are? the only things that i can see are the two whatever they are things listed, and those don't have chemical formulas. it makes me nervous. perhaps i should fire off a note to zack, but talking to a teacher during the summer's kinda weird.

Mavis Fausker said...

Do it! You're the one Zach was checking up on to see if you were taking AP. I think he holds my falling asleep in class against me (why would he do that? Nonesense!). Having it on an A-day will be better though. I have swimming to wake me up.

miss terri said...

um, o-tay...

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, I didn't make much sense there, did I?

miss terri said...

it made sense, i just wasn't thinking very well. but i shot of the e-mail and i'm waiting for a reply. in the meantime i think that i'm going to just memorize the solubitlity things that we have to.