Wednesday, August 17, 2005

give me some of that hair!...

...long beautiful hair! grow it! show it! LOng as you can grow it, my hair!
has anyone ever heard that song? it's weird. it makes me laugh. but i cut my hair yesterday. no worries all, it's not a chop. i would be dead from multiple ends if i did that. she cut off a little more than an inch, layered, tapered, textured, and thinned it. i dunno, it's hair. it smells good though! it's weird to have hair that's not thick. my hair actually is smooth in a ponytail now instead of being a roiling mass of poop-brown stuff, as my brother calls my tresses. crazy.


Kyra said...

Oooh. Three posts from you! How fun! Who does the long hair song, by the way? Sounds like it could be a Cake song.

As for this photo, I got lucky because of the cool lighting they had going on in that tent. It may be slightly blurry, but I think it works. And, photography is definitely a hobbie of mine. I took about a two year break from it, but I'm becoming obsessed now. Here's some of my older stuff:

miss terri said...

i think that the original lyrics were written by james rado for a movie. i dunno, it's an oldie that comes on the radio sometimes.
i like them a lot!
:) yeah! another camera enthusiast! i've taken two years of photo, and am taking it this year too! darkroom's my favorite. i smell like developer all year when i take photo. it's great! i'm guessing that you do more digital though. that's nice since you have immediate results and no film to pay for. it can get expensive. but no chemicals with digital. *sigh*

Mavis Fausker said...

You only smell like it on B-days.

I'm looking forward to seeing your new do, bluebird. I'm kind of used to you changing it now. From the darkening it to the cutting it, I've gotten used to it. Of course, it's not like you ever do anything drastic. That could have consequences.

I'm getting my hair trimmed and thinned and such on Tuesday. I can't remember the last time I let scissors touch my hair.

Lindsey said...

I just got my hair done, too! I'm kinda blonde now. But several people will tell you that it's more like my personality anyway...

As for photography, my brother just got the coolest camera in the world. It's like it has Photoshop built into it. It's like you won't believe it until you see it. For example, you can take pictures where everything is black and white -- except for whatever is, say, red. You pick a color. It's so cool... That's one of many things. The shutter speed ranges from 15 seconds (? At least 15. Can't remember.) to 1/3200 of a second. I kid you not. That's an insane amount. I could rant about this camera forever, but I won't... Ooh, fireworks mode is cool... And then... And also...

Anonymous said...
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miss terri said...

though the animal are awesome (i collect stuffed animals), they're kinda expensive, and i don't really see myself being a huge fan of arthiritis relief at the moment....thanks though!

mavis- i think that you cut it for one of the spring dances. yeah, i don't see myself doing anything drastic at the moment; i don't have a will.

Mavis Fausker said...

No, that was just a styling because my mum is like that. She wanted me to look fancy. So I got it styled. Apparently, if I had time, I could do my hair like that all the time. But it requires having time to dry it. Is my hair ever dry? No.

miss terri said...

ah. that would do it. mine is just rarely cared for.

Anonymous said...

Hair is hair and who cares. It all comes off in the winter if you know what I mean. Well, as long as you don't have to take care of it.

Mavis Fausker said...

No, it doesn't come off. Yours just fries because you don't take care of it and it goes a grisly gray.

miss terri said...

t-man, you have to realize that you're talking to girls, and while i don't take the best care of my hair, i do care for it. plus, people with nice hair make a better presentation than those who don't. you've heard the expression dress for success? hair is part if that.

miss terri said...

i might have to edit this post for the safety of furute visitor who are unaware of my hairy state. :)