Thursday, August 25, 2005

to speculate

i would have written speculations, but that's already been taken.
the beginning of school has always facinated me. i love to just sit back and watch the dynamics of everything fall into sync. the first few days are very telling. the teachers aren't quite sure how the classes will work together and the students aren't sure about either the teacher or the class, schedules are up in the air, social status defined, subtle habits formed (like always going to the drinking fountain right before a class, or only slinging the backpack over one shoulder from one class to the other), everything swirls in retro colors for those first two/three weeks and it's so cool to watch. just realizing that almost every move leaves an impression, stirs the mix just a little. (ex: i was dancing with cameron the second week of ballroom, we had to switch, cameron pushed me towards ryan whom i danced with and he asked my to homecoming the following day. which set the stage for the drama of my sophomore year).
i find myself talking more in my classes this year. to the teacher. i think that it's because most of my classes are smaller and with people who are the brainballs of our grade. when a question is posed, everyone is quiet, so i answer the question, or comment, or ask a question of my own. not sure what to do about that. so far the teachers haven't minded, but i've been pretty mellow in class so far. thinks tend to get weird around me every once in a while. hmmm... time to ponder.


Mavis Fausker said...

If I were a teacher, I think having someone actually talk to me would be refreshing. It's probably a good thing, however, that we decided against asking THE QUESTION in math today. That could have been quite dramatic. It was last time.

miss terri said...

yeah you're probably right. i think that as a teacher it would be frustrating to have an unresponsive class, but i still wish that it wasn't just me asking and answering all the questions. i've even started to do it in seminary. i think i'm going to sit back a little, at least in that class. give others a chance to step up. i think i might be a little imtimidating, am i? i've been around me so long that i'm fairly comfortable in my own presence, so i don't know.
i still want to know that answer though, but it is best left be for now.

Mavis Fausker said...

I don't find you intimidating, but generally you are speaking thoughts I had but didn't voice. We need an outside-the-brainwaves opinion.

miss terri said...

any ideas? anyone i would normally ask knows me well enough to answer biasedly.

Lindsey said...

Um, I don't know you guys that well... I'll try!

Mavis Fausker said...

But even so, if they were out of the brainwaves they might be able to answer un-biasedly. For example, I've never found the malamute intimidating, but I helped explain to him that he sometimes is and why that is.

Thanks for the offer, Amaya. You may save us some time finding an un-biased opinion.

Lindsey said...

Any time... Actually, not any time. But today is good...

miss terri said...

oh good! i intimidating?

Lindsey said...

Oh, I get it. Sorry, I got kinda lost there. Um, I don't think so. Not to me. But to certain people, yes, you might be. Some personalities find everyone intimidating... So it really depends on the other person. But I wouldn't say it's a problem you have!

miss terri said...

what qualities are intimidating? sorry, i like studying human behavior.

Lindsey said...

My point was that qualities that OTHER people possess (or lack) cause you to appear intimidating to THEM. In general, I don't think you are. I think that you're just... open. But yes, you might possess some intimidating qualities. I'll have to watch you, though. I haven't thought about it.

Mavis Fausker said...

Ha ha, the bluebird is going to be the subject of some Speculations. We should add the findings to the stuff. I'm sorry I lost that nylons thing, if indeed it was me who lost it. It will be hard to replicate.

[To explicar for Amaya: in eighth (?) grade, near the end of school when the bluebird, another girl, and I got kicked out of the library, we went to the edge of Deep Insanity and began to study our fellow students. We compiled a list of eccentricities worth writing about and were going to write essays on all the topics. They would then be linked under the title of Speculations. We didn't get far, but that's okay. I still have the list of topics...somewhere.]

Lindsey said...

Ah. I've done lots of stuff like that. The most well-known of those might be the time when I actually got pretty far into writing Cheese Can and Will Kill You: 500 Ways to Die From Cheese. At lunch one day, I said that the caffeteria cheese could kill you, and someone said that it was impossible. So I said that I'd write that book (it is too long to be considered a list). I did get near a hundred... But you know how those ideas never get fully finished.

miss terri said...

okay. that makes sense. i don't really mind losing the nylons. it's okay. future posterity already has ample evidence to draw the conclusions that nylons would leave them with. it is a loss, but there's not a lot that we can do now. *sniff sniff*.
hmmmm... me being in SPECULATIONS would be even weirder than it already is. yes! cheese can and will kill you! i've seen its effects if progress!

Lindsey said...

One of my favorite parts of doing the cheese thing was that everyone kept insisiting that choking on cheese didn't count because it wasn't the actual cheese that killed you. However, they accepted having a cheese piano fall on you... go figure.

I want to hear about these nylons! Tell me!

miss terri said...

huh. a cheese piano. never heard that one. as for the nylons, we realized iun our observations one day just how weird nylons are. like a synthetic skin without very much purpose at all. what's weirder is during ww2 women would put shoe polish on their legs after shaving and then use a black marker to draw a line up the back of their legs to make it look like they were wearing nylons. oh, it goes on! we also talked about how 'nylons', in the esssence, were first actually worn by men. this was all neatly correlated to social identity and status and written in the format of a theorizing research paper. it made me laugh. we wrote one about the oddity of passing notes in class in the format of a note that's passed back and forth between three different people in class. that's about as far as we got on actual written material for SPECULATIONS.

Lindsey said...

Haha! Do you want to know what I hate? Men (or, rather, boys) who think that women are inferior because they "still" use the following things that men used first:

High heels
Makeup (according to some...)
And now, introducing: NYLONS!

I hate it when they say that!

miss terri said...

i just like to laugh and say that they make up things for themselves and are just ashamed to wear them because girls wear them better.

Mavis Fausker said...

Besides, everybody knows that kilts are freakin' amazing, and they were the uniforms of warriors!

Lindsey said...

Yeah. But it still annoys me when they get that attitude.

miss terri said...

so give some attitude back to 'em! :P

Lindsey said...

Honestly, after reading my editing, how could you think that I don't?

V H said...

As a member of the teaching faculty, let me tell you this.
Keep staying active and ask questions.

And for me it's very stimulating when a student don't always agree with what I just said. And actually has his or her own opinion on something.

Lindsey said...

Wow, attack of the spam! Seriously! Add one of those things that I just put on my blogs. They do help... maybe... probably...

Lindsey said...

Wow, you really did get it! Hurry and put that thing on! Funny: I'm spaming you about anti-spam stuff!

miss terri said...

whew. is it all gone? how do i do the antispam thing 'maya? that was a pantload of junk that i never want getting anywhere near my insanity billboard again.
hmmm, i'm thinking that the killer has no idea who he's telling to be opinionated. if world destuction insues, we can't blame him ok? he's just unaware and naive to the situation. oh, i miss being banned from asking questions during spanish class. i miss spanish. *sniff* i'll just have to learn asl really fast.

miss terri said...

yay! i figured it out! saint be pwazed!

Lindsey said...

Yay for you! And for anyone who reads this, really... You were banned from asking questions in Spanish? Haha... In French, I'd ask some questions that were more about English than French. Punctuation, for instance...

miss terri said...

i started getting to the level that i was confusing everyone else whenever i asked a questions, so my teacher said that if i had questions write them down and ask them at the end of class. that was around the same time my class got the "don't feel bad because you don't speak spanish like terri" lecture. she told the class that i was just a crazy spanish freak and normal people don't learn the language the same as me. she also blatantly stated that even though she loved me i was a pain to teach. and she wouldn't even let me sleep in class. :P

Lindsey said...

Haha! I bet I was horrible to have in English when I was in elementary school.

BTW, when are you going to post a new post?

miss terri said...

i have to think of something to say first. i'll work on it.

Lindsey said...

Talk about cream cheese and how it's a symbol for spoonerisms.

miss terri said...

spoonerisms? que?

Lindsey said...

Look it up! Gosh!

miss terri said...

umm okay. anyway