Tuesday, September 06, 2005

inside thin lines

it seems that the boundries between things are very thin. a popular one is the border between genius and insanity. another good vs evil. when you're up against that line, one bad move and you're over the edge. that's why you stay safe and far as you can be on the good side. the line i have in mind at the moment however is the one of structure. it's a very tempermental. too much and you're strapped in a straightjacket with no wiggleroom to show who you are. conversely, if there is little or no structure you're drowning; no foundation to stand on. in order to be creative, or think and express yourself, you need the right amount of sturcture. it's a fine line to walk. teachers, especially english teachers, often have a hard time knowing where this line is. those who do are the cream of the crop in their profession. it's one attribute that the best of my english teachers have possessed. foundation with room for creative expression.


Mavis Fausker said...

My thoughts exactly.

Lindsey said...

Yeah... But don't be talking to Downs about creative expression!

miss terri said...

it's a fine line.

miss terri said...

any suggestions would be apreciated, though be careful what you put before this audience.

Mavis Fausker said...

There's a creative writing teacher at our school as well, I just question her creative liscencing.