Wednesday, September 14, 2005

seizing the day

we had a quiz in calc that took up the majority of the time. we then answered questions from the homework, wrote down the next assignment, and were dismissed. i start in on my homework and get through the first leg of it just fine. then i get to the second leg and smash into a hot brick wall. i have no idea what's going on or how to do it. i look through all my notes, check the internet, the chapter explanation in my book, then my ap review book. i spend at least and hour and a half with nothin' in the bucket bob. so i go in early to ask ms. lonsberry, but there's a faculty meeting that last till the bell rings to go to class. perfect. after school i go in, and after i explain she looks at what i have written down and says, "oh honey, bless your heart! (aka: you were a blundering fool), all the homework that i gave you was the first section! the rest was the BC homework! we haven't gotten there yet." yeah, i felt smart. today was nerd day too. i forgot to dress up, but nobody noticed because i still fit right in. :) as to to emphasis it anymore, they were serving kiwis for lunch today. they haven't had those for a WhiLe. i refrained and only took 2. believe me it was hard. but we're sitting eating lunch, and matthias comes over AND TAKES ONE OF MY KIWIS!! No Way! i chased him to halfway across the parking lot before he got tired and gave up, returning My kiwi. the swedish mafia had taken my other one by then. i about tackled her in the wet grass. instead i glared her down until she reliquished the fruit.
....i know it's a fetish and i'm weird. leave me alone.other than that there've been several amusing and semi-enlightening encounters. having nancy home is the best! she helps me to understand things so much better and to think before i act. plus the atmosphere of the RM is very entertaining. she's going to a singles ward, so guys will call for her fairly frequently. i answered the phone yesterday to this suave deep voice. i actually ended up with his “7 digits to heaven”, but they were for my sister. *sigh* oh well. :D so that's my life, some editions made (from what you know about me, do you really want to know ALL that goes on in my head? even i'm not sure how i would answer that question.).... i need a nap.


Mavis Fausker said...

You'we pwetty weiwd. You and your kiwis. Oh well, I suppose they're a healthy thing to be obsessed about.

miss terri said...

yeah. lot's of nutrients. you can tell from the rich color. :D i like 'em i love 'em, i want more of 'em. ....:D

Lindsey said...

Um, FYI: I had planned to give it up all along. The reason I gave it back was because I got bored. It had nothing to do with your glaring.

miss terri said...

you can't pop my bubble. truth to me is what i percieve! :P i like to think that i can be intimidating if i want to be

Mavis Fausker said...

Perception is everything: such is the phrase that has been pounded into my head by my employers since last summer.

Illyz said...

Your glaring is pretty good, i mean when MT glares at me, i jump to do her bidding. She doesn't know her own strenth sometimes-especially with her mind.