Tuesday, September 20, 2005


deaf tuesday is hard, but in a way that i didn't expect. i miss the sound of my own voice. i miss using my ears. it's not as much communication (i could write) as just feeling a real lack of input. sound disassociated after a while and it wasn't that hard to ignore. especially since i already shut off my ears when i'm in the hallways at school. but right now i really miss talking to myself and listening to the radio. i hear stuff in my head, but i want the vibration of my eardrums and my laranx. *sigh* i'm excited for tommorrow morning.
it was pretty entertaining to watch the different rxns of people around me as they tried to deal with me being deaf. my favorite was marcus, with his sign language that looked like an interpretive dance from the senior citizen center. and when he covered his face and exprected me to lip read...:D actually that happened a lot. people would talk louder and not look at me when they said stuff, but expect me to understand. hmmm. someone's a little confused.
one benefit though to being deaf is that many of the conversations are on hard copy and i can now cherish them forever. if only i could get preston to write down the conversation we had in p.e, and get his rxn to his present on tape....hee hee. that makes me laugh.


Mavis Fausker said...

His reaction will be forever cherished in my memory; it was great. Better than I had hoped, actually.

Yeah, I noticed that the swallow had a tendency to get your attention, turn her head, and then start talking again. I was tempted to correct her, but it was just so funny to watch.

Kyra said...

What is deaf Tuesday?

Mavis Fausker said...

She is taking an ASL (American Sign Language) class and one of her assignments was to pretend to be deaf for a day.

miss terri said...

it's one of two projects that basically ARE your grade in the class. ha ha ha! i learned the word for bug today. i like it.

Mavis Fausker said...

I don't think it counts as a word.

miss terri said...

it does so! :P just because it's in another language doesn't mean you can degrade it.
i saw the play today. good comic/inspiring media always makes me really stoked. :)

Mavis Fausker said...

I'm not degrading it; I just think that it should be called a sign, not a word.