Friday, September 30, 2005

it's very fascinating to me to watch the people around me, and myself, change. i'm very different than i was this time last year. i hope that it's for the better. i like to think that it is, but then i also like to think that i walk with a saunter, which i know isn't true. i am better friends with even better people this year. i've made friends with people that i didn't really know before for some reason and it blows me away that i have such good people around me. and from getting the occasional input from outside, it really is happy valley. :)


Lindsey said...

Time is an interesting thing that often induces change.

Kyra said...

Thanks for the Rodney Smith link. His photos are awesome! I love the one of the woman on the swing. Gorgeous!

Change can be yummy, can't it?