wow. time goes super fast. it's hard to believe that joseph and amanda have been married for a year now, second semester is almost over, and that I'm Seventeen, sooner than not to be Eighteen. i'm not so sure that i like this. i know that there is a lot to look forward to in the future, and that there's no way of going back or even sitting still in the river, but it's a scary thought. i'm going to be classified as an "adult" in a few months. no more getting away with murder. *sigh* what ever will in do with all that extra arsenic? like, my sister jokes about pawning all the guys that she's just not attracted to off on me. we were talking and we both know that it wouldn't really work because, well, they're in a totally different social situation than i. but then we realized that in 18 months i land in the same pot. and as i'm headed to the Y this fall...maybe i'll hide under my desk.
but whatever the future holds, i guess that i my only choice is to tie up my hair take it head on. good thing i have you guys. Happy 2006 everyone, and good luck. we're gonna need it.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
it's my baby!!

so, i came home after breakfast and there were lights on and people in the front room. at 7:20. early this morning (the one morning that i wasn't in bed asleep..) we got a call from my brother and his wife. his name is derek, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my baby. now there are two of them! :D
Monday, December 26, 2005
in order to avoid my ems
homework is one of the last things i want to do at the moment, even though i have it oozing out my eyeballs. so instead, the world wide web will be blessed by the drippings from the turkey of my mind. dig in.
so, Christmas yesterday was pretty rad. as the Eve drew to a close and we sang, read stories and talked with the family, it finally started to feel like Christmas. i think that the movie (white Christmas. Excellent movie!) and the candle burning on the table helped. sunday morning, instead of being burst in upon at 5 am, i arose to my piano hymns and just stayed in bed for a while, thinking about Sunday, the Gospel, and Christmas. good combo. the chior program was pretty awesome, and since nancy had church at twelve and the others had other stuff around that time too, we didn't end up opening presents until around 2. jason was starting to twitch. it was fun though, just everyone's expressions, the paper flying, and baby's excitement about presents that weren't even his.
as for me, i got KIWI CHAPSTICK, the Complete Lewis Carroll Collection, a whole Ton of love, and my little familia has grown so that it no longer fits withing the bounds of my pet net. i recieved a moose, a cow, a little fruit bat, and --a really ugly pig, a porcupine, an ostrich, a tarantella, a scorpion, and a camel--(all hand puppets). they're hangin' out under my bed at the moment. it makes me laugh.
oh! and My elder called!! i've decided that he has the best voice ever. i sat on the phone downstairs and nobody thought to go down there, so i got to listen the entire time! I Miss that boy A LOT. i'm excited for next Christmas.
so, Christmas yesterday was pretty rad. as the Eve drew to a close and we sang, read stories and talked with the family, it finally started to feel like Christmas. i think that the movie (white Christmas. Excellent movie!) and the candle burning on the table helped. sunday morning, instead of being burst in upon at 5 am, i arose to my piano hymns and just stayed in bed for a while, thinking about Sunday, the Gospel, and Christmas. good combo. the chior program was pretty awesome, and since nancy had church at twelve and the others had other stuff around that time too, we didn't end up opening presents until around 2. jason was starting to twitch. it was fun though, just everyone's expressions, the paper flying, and baby's excitement about presents that weren't even his.
as for me, i got KIWI CHAPSTICK, the Complete Lewis Carroll Collection, a whole Ton of love, and my little familia has grown so that it no longer fits withing the bounds of my pet net. i recieved a moose, a cow, a little fruit bat, and --a really ugly pig, a porcupine, an ostrich, a tarantella, a scorpion, and a camel--(all hand puppets). they're hangin' out under my bed at the moment. it makes me laugh.
oh! and My elder called!! i've decided that he has the best voice ever. i sat on the phone downstairs and nobody thought to go down there, so i got to listen the entire time! I Miss that boy A LOT. i'm excited for next Christmas.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
there's a part in the first book where alice is following this talking white rabbit. it's a little bizarre and she doesn't really know why she's following him, though she knows that she probably shouldn't. as she later says, "i give myself very good advice, though i very seldom follow it." well, eventually this hare leads her into a hole and she falls down a very long, bizarre shaft. to paraphrase, she's been shafted by the white rabbit.
i got shafted by my talking rabbit today for the first time. i'm wondering where the story goes from here. i'm thinking that i lose the trail for a while and get a little wrapped up in my own wonderland for a while, but i don't know. i guess that i'll find out as the story progresses.
i often feel a little bit like alice. not just that part in particular, but the general randomity and confusion that are the stories surrounding her. it's not that the chaos is really that harmful to her; it's very amusing at times. but the story is more than a little haphazard and the implications behind the madness are often subtle. it's not your average story. i like it though. it's always been one of my favorites. and like alice, i'm curious to see what's going to happen next.
not the average Christmas post, but if you think about it, she does have an underlying plot that she unknowingly fulfills, she's really safe the entire time, and in the end she wakes up. that's my correlation, however slim. it hasn't felt like Christmas all december anyway. Happy Christmas anyway. I Love You All. Thank you for being my friends. Y'all are the Best!
i got shafted by my talking rabbit today for the first time. i'm wondering where the story goes from here. i'm thinking that i lose the trail for a while and get a little wrapped up in my own wonderland for a while, but i don't know. i guess that i'll find out as the story progresses.
i often feel a little bit like alice. not just that part in particular, but the general randomity and confusion that are the stories surrounding her. it's not that the chaos is really that harmful to her; it's very amusing at times. but the story is more than a little haphazard and the implications behind the madness are often subtle. it's not your average story. i like it though. it's always been one of my favorites. and like alice, i'm curious to see what's going to happen next.
not the average Christmas post, but if you think about it, she does have an underlying plot that she unknowingly fulfills, she's really safe the entire time, and in the end she wakes up. that's my correlation, however slim. it hasn't felt like Christmas all december anyway. Happy Christmas anyway. I Love You All. Thank you for being my friends. Y'all are the Best!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
to be continued, edited, revised and all that jazz later
'pon morningtide the bell did toll
to rise me from my bed
refusing, in response i roll
my tongue within my mouth it lolls
and i rest my weary head
as this might seem a little shellish,
this extra time to take
the situation i'll embellish
and i say with royal relish
I'm on my Christmas break!
to rise me from my bed
refusing, in response i roll
my tongue within my mouth it lolls
and i rest my weary head
as this might seem a little shellish,
this extra time to take
the situation i'll embellish
and i say with royal relish
I'm on my Christmas break!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
soapbox of sorts
sorry, this is longer than i really meant it to be, and it's difinately biased.i'm such a dork.
so, my chem teacher, zach, invited all his students to come to his church's Christmas presentation thingamabober. so, i figure, i could use some culture and so i went over there with frog boy in tow. he's a good person to go with last minute. i think that he has about as little a life as i do, so he works when other weird busy people are.. well, busy. Anyway, moving onward...even just walking into the church was odd. it was the evangelical one across from the high school. they have a book store and advertizements for stuff all over. and the nursery had a keyrack like the one at the quarry. not sure what that was for. oh, and everyone was wearing casual clothes. almost scroungry street clothes. well, they started out with a childen's choir (no prayer) that was singing and dancing like you would see at a school Christmas performance, and all the words to all the songs were projected onto two screens at the front of the room. then the adult choir got up and did the same thing, only complimented by a set of drums and some electric guitars. they had some skits about Christmas cards and letters and how because Jesus was The Word, he was God's voicebox running around as a person and was really God's Christmas letter to us. and how God can't talk to us and we can't really know what God would say to us individually or even collectively today, but if he could then let's give some examples of what he might say. and they read off different introductions (dear Independant, dear Guilty, dear Afflicted, dear Dependant...apparently abby vanburan has taken over the position of God now) with letters attached that represented a God that was not the one that i thought existed. he didn't sound like a Father at all. maybe that got lost somewhere when he was telling Dependant that he should try and kick his addiction this Christmas on go to church once again, even though that's what he tried last year and there was really no hope because he was hooked.
it didn't seem to take long into the presentation before i was coughing and had a headache. with the last song, the minister thanked us for coming and hoped that we had felt good and heard the Lord's voice (i thought that he couldn't talk to us), and shooed us away for cookies and coffee. we skipped out and made for the car. all in all i guess that it was okay, but it wasn't for Sunday and it didn't uplift or really inspire me at all. to me, it didn't seem to fill the function of a church activity.
i remember when we went to the RLDS church in Nauvoo that it was really weird and didn't make sense there either. i know that i'm very uni-cultured so anything different is weird. but still, i didn't really like it. my head still hurts from the drums and the undulating projector thing. so i will off to bed and try to do well on my chemistry test tomorrow. i wish that the youth Christmas fireside was next week instead of last, i would invite zach.
and as a quick post script, for those of you following the drama, i relapsed. yes, i like ryan again. what do i do? why is he so easy for me to like? it's different, but...ARG! i'm such a sucker. i do still like elder federson too though, but he's a missionary (ahaha! not forever though!). and ryan'll be a missionary in, what, four months? i know, i know, goosechild. i'm going to bed.
so, my chem teacher, zach, invited all his students to come to his church's Christmas presentation thingamabober. so, i figure, i could use some culture and so i went over there with frog boy in tow. he's a good person to go with last minute. i think that he has about as little a life as i do, so he works when other weird busy people are.. well, busy. Anyway, moving onward...even just walking into the church was odd. it was the evangelical one across from the high school. they have a book store and advertizements for stuff all over. and the nursery had a keyrack like the one at the quarry. not sure what that was for. oh, and everyone was wearing casual clothes. almost scroungry street clothes. well, they started out with a childen's choir (no prayer) that was singing and dancing like you would see at a school Christmas performance, and all the words to all the songs were projected onto two screens at the front of the room. then the adult choir got up and did the same thing, only complimented by a set of drums and some electric guitars. they had some skits about Christmas cards and letters and how because Jesus was The Word, he was God's voicebox running around as a person and was really God's Christmas letter to us. and how God can't talk to us and we can't really know what God would say to us individually or even collectively today, but if he could then let's give some examples of what he might say. and they read off different introductions (dear Independant, dear Guilty, dear Afflicted, dear Dependant...apparently abby vanburan has taken over the position of God now) with letters attached that represented a God that was not the one that i thought existed. he didn't sound like a Father at all. maybe that got lost somewhere when he was telling Dependant that he should try and kick his addiction this Christmas on go to church once again, even though that's what he tried last year and there was really no hope because he was hooked.
it didn't seem to take long into the presentation before i was coughing and had a headache. with the last song, the minister thanked us for coming and hoped that we had felt good and heard the Lord's voice (i thought that he couldn't talk to us), and shooed us away for cookies and coffee. we skipped out and made for the car. all in all i guess that it was okay, but it wasn't for Sunday and it didn't uplift or really inspire me at all. to me, it didn't seem to fill the function of a church activity.
i remember when we went to the RLDS church in Nauvoo that it was really weird and didn't make sense there either. i know that i'm very uni-cultured so anything different is weird. but still, i didn't really like it. my head still hurts from the drums and the undulating projector thing. so i will off to bed and try to do well on my chemistry test tomorrow. i wish that the youth Christmas fireside was next week instead of last, i would invite zach.
and as a quick post script, for those of you following the drama, i relapsed. yes, i like ryan again. what do i do? why is he so easy for me to like? it's different, but...ARG! i'm such a sucker. i do still like elder federson too though, but he's a missionary (ahaha! not forever though!). and ryan'll be a missionary in, what, four months? i know, i know, goosechild. i'm going to bed.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
dizzy lizzy

i want to go to school. i miss it. even just in two days i've missed so much. i'm going tomorrow. with everything that i have in me i'm going to go. i feel so worthless. :, one thing that was funny that happened, well, it's funny when it's over, was the dream i had last night. i was taking the chemistry test that was today and it was forever long. every time that i did a page of problems i would count to see how many pages i had left and it never got any shorter. in addition, the problems had serious issues. like trying to prove a nonexistant fact using and indirect or direct force. i didn't understand any of it and it was all free response. as the last kick in the pants it took mavis like ten minutes to finish. as she was leaving she said, "well, i had trouble on one or two of them, but overall i felt pretty good about it." eventually i was the last person in the room. it was so Hot. i was dripping on my papers. this went on foever and it was so stressful. yeah, i know, i'm a geek. and i woke up to some crazy cowboy yelling in my ear. my pillow had shifted and bumped to volume up really high. i still don't know why it was on a country station. i thought that i had left it on cd mode. ugh. i need to go to sleep.
edd-it: apparently i'm not so cognative even when i do go to school. my brother came home from the ballroom party and said how many people had said hi to me in the halls or something of the like and i was totally zoned out. i don't remember talking or even seeing that many people. sad. oh, and as a quick side note, while i was gone they put me in the triple swing. robert (my brother, robert) is my partner. not sure what's going to happen there. i'll keep y'all updated.
Monday, December 12, 2005
the hairy beast
being friends with many swimmers can be a lonesome business when you swim like a half-chewed can of tuna. the swim team went to the san jorge competition on friday, but either mavis forgot to tell me, or i forgot, because i was unaware. and the geek had gone off into mists of darkness. i looked, but found not; sought, and was disregarded. thus i wandered through the valley of...patternless floor tiles, forlorn of mind and spirit. the white farm duck told me about halfway through lunch. i was still forlorn. i thought to hang out with the faculty, but none of them were in their rooms. even brother the pratt had forsaken me. i survived to fourth hour, but only just.
today though, was much better. if i had the drawing and the blog savvy, i would post the breaded train trail that was calculus today. and t-man's face when he felt Real, UnChlorinated, Healthy, THick hair for perhaps the first time. i'm getting that one a comb for Christmas. Ewww.
having my hair down is affecting my brain. i can't help but stroke it. people thought that my brother was trademarked by it, or matthias, but it i prolonged this unleased exposure, it would blow both of them out of the water. though, i might go crazy from all of the loose hairs that come out. the sink, my car, my clothes, mavis's hands, the Keyboard! EvErYWhere! going crazy! haha, too late! :)
today though, was much better. if i had the drawing and the blog savvy, i would post the breaded train trail that was calculus today. and t-man's face when he felt Real, UnChlorinated, Healthy, THick hair for perhaps the first time. i'm getting that one a comb for Christmas. Ewww.
having my hair down is affecting my brain. i can't help but stroke it. people thought that my brother was trademarked by it, or matthias, but it i prolonged this unleased exposure, it would blow both of them out of the water. though, i might go crazy from all of the loose hairs that come out. the sink, my car, my clothes, mavis's hands, the Keyboard! EvErYWhere! going crazy! haha, too late! :)
Thursday, December 08, 2005
all she wants to do...
so, i have the coolest family ever. after dinner jason, my little brother, and i were sick of robert's "meeu-zick", so we got on the internet and started playing goofy Christmas songs and dancing around the living room. it was even better since we disassembled the couch as is our way. is was so fun. jason's so cool and not at all shy. my sister came and joined us as we did celtic, waltz, trans-siberian, and muppets, mixing sign with interpretive dance and ballroom. and just plain silliality. by the end we were pretty loopy. the shades were open for part of the time and we got the occasional glance from our neighbors. only a glance, they're fairly used to us by now. i love my family. we're so weird. it's pretty much awesome possum.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
frosted pies (think romantically)
my feet were a little cold today. i hate driving around other people under normal conditions, so i hung out at school until the flood ceased, then trudged to my car and went home to...shovel the driveway! yehehes! i did put on shoes prior. i don't think that my mom noticed, but my feet were red and numb before being shod. after that they were nice and toasty! the irony of it all was that after spending over an hour shoveling the driveway and starting on the sidewalk, this snowplow came and shovel about another half hour's worth of snow off my sidewalk in less than thirty seconds. i was grateful to be able to go in early, but also i surprised myself by being a little resentful. what i worked so hard to do was the easiest thing in the world for this guy. like those people who are naturally talented and blow the rest of the people, who really work for their skill, out of the water. chocolate helped though, and i am better now.
i think that i can find my winter niche. i hope that i can. i don't want to be lost for the next four months. i'm doing okay so far. i think that the thing is to depend on the fuzzy hippo slippers. and a cuppa chocolate can't hurt.
---sidenote: the concert was really good. and i think that we might be performing in a pep assembly sometime. the next dance is swing!! i'm jazzed.---
i think that i can find my winter niche. i hope that i can. i don't want to be lost for the next four months. i'm doing okay so far. i think that the thing is to depend on the fuzzy hippo slippers. and a cuppa chocolate can't hurt.
---sidenote: the concert was really good. and i think that we might be performing in a pep assembly sometime. the next dance is swing!! i'm jazzed.---
Friday, December 02, 2005
i've found that i really like watching people and really just studying them. i mean, think about it; man is truely God's greatest work. they're the best, folks. spending b4 running around getting all the ap chem students was so fun. the reactions of the students in class and their classmates was totally better than doing homework. And we get to be in the yearbook.
later today i went to magleby's on a date and watching the cooks make food (FiRe! Flame! oh, the beauty of enthalpy. gibb's free enery rocks) was so interesting. they would talk to each other as they went about making the food and it made me wonder about the social workings of the restaurant. what games do they play together? what are the different jokes or competitions that they have. and finally, i have to admit that the day ended with style. i think that the difference between mavis and myself is that i get outside myself when i talk to people. for me, it's easier to talk randomly to people that i don't know as well than to those that i do. the snow leopard made me far more nervous than did any of the people at the mall (maya, we took your date idea and asked stores if they had scholarship programs). it helped that marcus wasn't afraid to be silly with me. and i kept hearing bro. pratt's voice saying "oh, no fear. they're not afraid to just be open." seminary was pretty much awesome today by the way.
whoa. that train followed scattered sand. sorry about that. i need to sleep. i have chem, ems, and reading to do BEFORE plastering my hair to my head tomorrow. :, tahtah all!
later today i went to magleby's on a date and watching the cooks make food (FiRe! Flame! oh, the beauty of enthalpy. gibb's free enery rocks) was so interesting. they would talk to each other as they went about making the food and it made me wonder about the social workings of the restaurant. what games do they play together? what are the different jokes or competitions that they have. and finally, i have to admit that the day ended with style. i think that the difference between mavis and myself is that i get outside myself when i talk to people. for me, it's easier to talk randomly to people that i don't know as well than to those that i do. the snow leopard made me far more nervous than did any of the people at the mall (maya, we took your date idea and asked stores if they had scholarship programs). it helped that marcus wasn't afraid to be silly with me. and i kept hearing bro. pratt's voice saying "oh, no fear. they're not afraid to just be open." seminary was pretty much awesome today by the way.
whoa. that train followed scattered sand. sorry about that. i need to sleep. i have chem, ems, and reading to do BEFORE plastering my hair to my head tomorrow. :, tahtah all!
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