Sunday, December 18, 2005

soapbox of sorts

sorry, this is longer than i really meant it to be, and it's difinately biased.i'm such a dork.
so, my chem teacher, zach, invited all his students to come to his church's Christmas presentation thingamabober. so, i figure, i could use some culture and so i went over there with frog boy in tow. he's a good person to go with last minute. i think that he has about as little a life as i do, so he works when other weird busy people are.. well, busy. Anyway, moving onward...even just walking into the church was odd. it was the evangelical one across from the high school. they have a book store and advertizements for stuff all over. and the nursery had a keyrack like the one at the quarry. not sure what that was for. oh, and everyone was wearing casual clothes. almost scroungry street clothes. well, they started out with a childen's choir (no prayer) that was singing and dancing like you would see at a school Christmas performance, and all the words to all the songs were projected onto two screens at the front of the room. then the adult choir got up and did the same thing, only complimented by a set of drums and some electric guitars. they had some skits about Christmas cards and letters and how because Jesus was The Word, he was God's voicebox running around as a person and was really God's Christmas letter to us. and how God can't talk to us and we can't really know what God would say to us individually or even collectively today, but if he could then let's give some examples of what he might say. and they read off different introductions (dear Independant, dear Guilty, dear Afflicted, dear Dependant...apparently abby vanburan has taken over the position of God now) with letters attached that represented a God that was not the one that i thought existed. he didn't sound like a Father at all. maybe that got lost somewhere when he was telling Dependant that he should try and kick his addiction this Christmas on go to church once again, even though that's what he tried last year and there was really no hope because he was hooked.
it didn't seem to take long into the presentation before i was coughing and had a headache. with the last song, the minister thanked us for coming and hoped that we had felt good and heard the Lord's voice (i thought that he couldn't talk to us), and shooed us away for cookies and coffee. we skipped out and made for the car. all in all i guess that it was okay, but it wasn't for Sunday and it didn't uplift or really inspire me at all. to me, it didn't seem to fill the function of a church activity.
i remember when we went to the RLDS church in Nauvoo that it was really weird and didn't make sense there either. i know that i'm very uni-cultured so anything different is weird. but still, i didn't really like it. my head still hurts from the drums and the undulating projector thing. so i will off to bed and try to do well on my chemistry test tomorrow. i wish that the youth Christmas fireside was next week instead of last, i would invite zach.
and as a quick post script, for those of you following the drama, i relapsed. yes, i like ryan again. what do i do? why is he so easy for me to like? it's different, but...ARG! i'm such a sucker. i do still like elder federson too though, but he's a missionary (ahaha! not forever though!). and ryan'll be a missionary in, what, four months? i know, i know, goosechild. i'm going to bed.


nicole said...

It's snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! Is it snowing there? Well if it is have fun! If it's not, I really bummed for you. Well one of my friends told this guy that we (guy and me) should go out and he said that he would consider it! I really have to go. I don't want to miss any part of today!

nicole said...

Don't hate me! It's not my fault! Hate the School! Wowzer, so why don't you get out of school sooner? I mean wow how long is your break? Christmas is only 5 days away after you get out. Whats up with that?

Mavis Fausker said...

It's been snowing for a while here. All last week was hair-freezing weather (not an expression; that's really what happened).

You took the words right out of my mouth, Terri. You are a goosechild: Goosechild McGee. But that's okay, I guess. My little brother was reciting to me all he knows about what girls like at lunch today. At least you don't recite what you know guys like. I'd try to beat it out of you if I thought it would work. Nah, I feel to sick to beat anything out of anyone. I obviously didn't take my Excedrin at an opportune moment.

miss terri said...

guys like long hair. and other stuff. i'm such a girl sometimes; it drives me crazy! what do i do?

Alexander said...

What?! Who says that guys like girls with long hair?! It totally depends on the girl, FYI. Everything depends on the girl.

nicole said...

What's up? Me nothing much! Yesterday I had a blast in the snow! So my cousin is still here cause his parents can't come over a pass to get to our house cause of the weather. Oh did I tell you he was at my house? Well he's been here since Sunday. He's the one leaving on a mission soon! Well write back soon! Hope you have fun at school tommorow! LOL j/k

miss terri said...

oliver has hit it on the nose, though i think that he may have a faulty dictionary. and while it does depend on the guy, it has been my personal experience that the general male populous has a preference for longer hair, perhaps due to their own personal lack thereof.
hormonial chaos huh? yeah, pretty much.

Lindsey said...

Haha, well, I like Oliver's dictionary. He's awesome. As for Zach... Well, I do kinda know what you mean. Haha... Norway and their atheist preachers. We'd actually go to church during school maybe four times a year. You could get out of it, but I didn't mind. I think that it's definitely possible to get things out of other religions. As I explained to Marcus (and our AP Lit class), reincarnation can tie in with Christianity... My advice to you is to focus on what's the same and not what's different. Then you learn, plus you're more likely to get along with others.

Nathan said...

My Dear,
I'm sure that I see many more different things than thee. But, I love you all the same. People are all trying to get to the same place (usually). Some people just seem a little less confused that others.
Second, I'll talk to you Sunday or something...

miss terri said...

wise words. too bad i'm now to scatterbrained to even really be able to focus on anything. yay! joy!