Saturday, December 24, 2005


there's a part in the first book where alice is following this talking white rabbit. it's a little bizarre and she doesn't really know why she's following him, though she knows that she probably shouldn't. as she later says, "i give myself very good advice, though i very seldom follow it." well, eventually this hare leads her into a hole and she falls down a very long, bizarre shaft. to paraphrase, she's been shafted by the white rabbit.
i got shafted by my talking rabbit today for the first time. i'm wondering where the story goes from here. i'm thinking that i lose the trail for a while and get a little wrapped up in my own wonderland for a while, but i don't know. i guess that i'll find out as the story progresses.
i often feel a little bit like alice. not just that part in particular, but the general randomity and confusion that are the stories surrounding her. it's not that the chaos is really that harmful to her; it's very amusing at times. but the story is more than a little haphazard and the implications behind the madness are often subtle. it's not your average story. i like it though. it's always been one of my favorites. and like alice, i'm curious to see what's going to happen next.
not the average Christmas post, but if you think about it, she does have an underlying plot that she unknowingly fulfills, she's really safe the entire time, and in the end she wakes up. that's my correlation, however slim. it hasn't felt like Christmas all december anyway. Happy Christmas anyway. I Love You All. Thank you for being my friends. Y'all are the Best!


Lindsey said...

Hmm, it seems like new dimentions are being added to you all the time, Terri... I guess I'll have to wait and see where you play in in my story.

nicole said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

miss terri said...

perhaps not added, but just stretched out.

Lindsey said...

Well, in my perception. That's what I meant. Sorry for not being clearer.