Wednesday, December 21, 2005

to be continued, edited, revised and all that jazz later

'pon morningtide the bell did toll
to rise me from my bed
refusing, in response i roll
my tongue within my mouth it lolls
and i rest my weary head

as this might seem a little shellish,
this extra time to take
the situation i'll embellish
and i say with royal relish
I'm on my Christmas break!


Lindsey said...

Ooh, lovely!

nicole said...

Man you got alot of comments on the last blog you did!!! I never get more than at least oh....5. Well I'm about you? What are you doing for Christmas? Me going to church then opening prersents after church. My church starts @ 9:00 in the morning! That will soon change! I've got to go.
P.S. Comment me!

Mavis Fausker said...

I like it. I wish Christmas break meant that I didn't have to listen to my alarm.

miss terri said...

you're a unique one. or maybe i am. i was reading carroll yesterday and wanted to start spouting poetry. so i did. and i'm still waiting. no matter what i do the wait seems do go on. i hate waiting. and at the moment shopping, males, females, and the entire human populous in general. ya people.

mystery man12 said...

Time doth toll to and fro. but those that are weary and yet do still work the just deserve the will receive.

miss terri said...

wow, you really are a mystery man. and quoting poetry too. very impressive.

nicole said...

It's Christmas Eve!!!!
Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year!