i want to go to school. i miss it. even just in two days i've missed so much. i'm going tomorrow. with everything that i have in me i'm going to go. i feel so worthless. :, one thing that was funny that happened, well, it's funny when it's over, was the dream i had last night. i was taking the chemistry test that was today and it was forever long. every time that i did a page of problems i would count to see how many pages i had left and it never got any shorter. in addition, the problems had serious issues. like trying to prove a nonexistant fact using and indirect or direct force. i didn't understand any of it and it was all free response. as the last kick in the pants it took mavis like ten minutes to finish. as she was leaving she said, "well, i had trouble on one or two of them, but overall i felt pretty good about it." eventually i was the last person in the room. it was so Hot. i was dripping on my papers. this went on foever and it was so stressful. yeah, i know, i'm a geek. and i woke up to some crazy cowboy yelling in my ear. my pillow had shifted and bumped to volume up really high. i still don't know why it was on a country station. i thought that i had left it on cd mode. ugh. i need to go to sleep.
edd-it: apparently i'm not so cognative even when i do go to school. my brother came home from the ballroom party and said how many people had said hi to me in the halls or something of the like and i was totally zoned out. i don't remember talking or even seeing that many people. sad. oh, and as a quick side note, while i was gone they put me in the triple swing. robert (my brother, robert) is my partner. not sure what's going to happen there. i'll keep y'all updated.
Your dream makes me laugh. Hey, it's not my fault if I don't check my work, and therefore speed through tests!
I miss you, though. Eating the entire string cheese just isn't very satisfying.
Hey hey hey!
It's Nicole. So Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! What do you Want for Christmas? I want a portable DVD player. So you haven't commented me for a while why not? Well I have to go. Remember grammar.
Aaw, I'm sorry that you're sick. I hate missing school, which is why it's rare. Get better!
Terri, you get way to stessed out about tests. i've never had a dream about taking a test, but i have had some about school. It was mulit colored and everybody was dressed like hippies. Yikes!!
Anyway, get well! Mavis looks sad and Trevor is trying really hard to steal your half.
i'm doing better. i think. either way, i'm done with this gig. i sound terrible, but i'll be there monday.
yes, i stress about scholastics. i dream about school probably more than most things. all summer i was terrified that my AP score would come back the day nancy came home and when i opened it, it would be a 1 or a 2. i would have cried so hard.
as for what i want for Christmas...a porcupine. and i'm jealous of cookie's hedgehog. that thing's so cool.
thanks you guys. it's good to know that people care about me, even when i sound like sandpaper and have a nose full of snot. you're the best!
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