Monday, December 12, 2005

the hairy beast

being friends with many swimmers can be a lonesome business when you swim like a half-chewed can of tuna. the swim team went to the san jorge competition on friday, but either mavis forgot to tell me, or i forgot, because i was unaware. and the geek had gone off into mists of darkness. i looked, but found not; sought, and was disregarded. thus i wandered through the valley of...patternless floor tiles, forlorn of mind and spirit. the white farm duck told me about halfway through lunch. i was still forlorn. i thought to hang out with the faculty, but none of them were in their rooms. even brother the pratt had forsaken me. i survived to fourth hour, but only just.
today though, was much better. if i had the drawing and the blog savvy, i would post the breaded train trail that was calculus today. and t-man's face when he felt Real, UnChlorinated, Healthy, THick hair for perhaps the first time. i'm getting that one a comb for Christmas. Ewww.
having my hair down is affecting my brain. i can't help but stroke it. people thought that my brother was trademarked by it, or matthias, but it i prolonged this unleased exposure, it would blow both of them out of the water. though, i might go crazy from all of the loose hairs that come out. the sink, my car, my clothes, mavis's hands, the Keyboard! EvErYWhere! going crazy! haha, too late! :)


Mavis Fausker said...

Hey, I told you plenty of times. How many times did I say that I was upset that I had to miss Chemistry? Lots and lots. Just 'cause you don't listen to me. Nyeah.

I liked the doodlings today though.

nicole said...

Why did you say you missed that boy? Who do you miss? Hey sorry about my spelling, grammar, ect. Well anyways who's the other person who wrote to you on my blog? It's not a problem but um next time, have him write on yours if it's not to me! Got to go.

miss terri said...

my brother. i miss him.
i'm sorry for a rampage. and mavis is female. you can talk to her too if you like. you highly overestimate the influence and control i have over people. agency, my friend, is the key to the very existance of man. i ask not, it comes of it's own accord and free will. the comment would have made little sense on my blog as the thread of the conversations here are directed elsewhere. nonetheless, i'm sure that your comment was duely (sp?) noted and will take effect.

i do too listen to you! i just get into repetetive motions and it doesn't register that they will be disturbed. grr, i'll miss your chemistry!! i give unto thee a berry of rasp that is very great. BBBpppPbb!

Illyz said...

I did not go off into mists of darkness! I was in the band room watching my show with my marching band geekers! I forgot that mavis left too and if I'd have remembered I'd have come and found you. Well, actually I did know they left, but I forgot about you. *Hangs head in shame* Sorry! The Band room is where to find me usually, so you should have checked there.
I do the same thing with my hair, too!! Are you sure you do it more then matthias? Everytime he talked or was thinking (which is about 98% of the time) he stroked it.

Mavis Fausker said...

Maric does it too, coincidentally.

miss terri said...

if not mists if darkness, then the band room is something. i dunno. it seems like a lot to me.
better than. gosh. :) thank you for posting! ack! i need to write to my boy and his companion! chow! (froot loops!)