Saturday, January 28, 2006


i really have the urge to do this creative-like, but there's no possible way. all i can think of is a frog (or penguin) in a tutu. he wasn't even there. but it makes a sillier picture than the ocelot does. maya needs an animal. something, well, maya-ish.

i'm a semi-poetic type. it comes from reading too much lewis carroll, and growing up in an anti social family of ocd nerds. the end result: beatnik poetry night! can't you see it? the little theatre, a stool in the far corner, with a light illumiating the dusky orator. round tables scatter the floor and the room is heavy with dark purple light. ah. it's there! we can do it!

i think that keeping a straight face throughout will be the hardest. let's see if i can come up with a good improv poem for the tigerline interpretive dance advertizement.

the deepest shadows of my soul are here exposed...

the twenty-fifth! the twenty-fifth!
the english world starts to shift!
not in d hall, nor in c
the main office is where you want to be

the dateless dude shall lose his woe
bring her to the theatre,
his beatnik side begin to show,
and with his words entreat her.

come one, come others and move it to the beat-nik

with the macarena in the foreground? yeah, it'll be good.i need feedback tough. i really want to write a real poem now. i'll see what i can do. chow all.


Miru said...

i wish i could write... someday.... someday.....

mystery man12 said...

Thou art creative and quiet interning I must say but can you do a real beatnik at a high school just once. For it needs more than one time to grow and from to become a true beatnik because beatnik shows what’s really going on in your head at that moment it is a way of expression that takes time to become great and know to few instead of none.

Lindsey said...

Hahaha! Just make sure that everything is clear... Or... Haha, no, make it kinda vague and we'll have someone else interpret the poem. Hmm, I can see it now! Yay!

miss terri said...

it needs work. i think that i'll redo it. that is if i ever get any time ever. :P