Monday, January 23, 2006

f-stop blues

i have a problem with drawing. how do you reach to someone sitting you down and saying, "draw!"? draw what?! you think. well, at least i do. that's why, for me, my artistic medium of choice is photography. you have visual stimui up to wazzu everywhere around you. rearrange it a little and snap the shutter. the problem comes when we go into a studio. then you end up straight back at the blank piece of paper. i have...2 ideas in the studio. period. and i have to do all the light figuring. i think that i have my models though! i was puzzling over them all day today. people tend to give you funny looks when you stare at their hand to see if they are the right kind of masculine, or at their hair and face for contrast and texture. it doesn't help if you tend to mutter to yourself.
one thing that's fun though, if i can ever get the models and a car, is i have a bunch of library photos in my head. i just need to rent a 6 year old and pry the car away from my mom for a couple hours. the assignment is due thursday. i'm doomed.


Miru said...

see... i see both ways... i love photography and yet i still look at things and objects and think how could i draw that? as well as, what lighting or filters could i use this in? dunno... i like to take pictures then draw them... it's fun

Mavis Fausker said...

I can only kind of draw. I say I can't, but that's 'cause I can't get the drawing to match what's in my head.

I don't know much more about photo, either, so you're ahead of me on that. And you at least have some ideas in your head for studio photos. I wouldn't have ANY.

Do I get to know who your models are?

nicole said...

Hey so am I just now a person who is here or am I still a person to talk to? I mean ya it's interesting that you know eachother but hello.... I still need to talk to someone! Well thanks for hearing me out!

9c said...

/. .\
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_/ \_

that's pretty much the best i can do.

...WOWSA that took me forever...

9c said...

AHHHHHHHH and it got RUINED!!!!

ok well i'll stop with the caps its getting kinda old but anyways hello i'm 9c, i play the piano...

don't worry miamaid we still love you especially since you live in WA!!

miss terri said...

mia, if you want us to talk to you, you need to contribute to the Conversation. and yes, we still know that you're here. :)
my problem right now is i have these pictures in my head, i just have trouble getting them out. for example, when is the weight room open, and when can frog boy be my model, and what girl am i going to use and how do i hang four spotlights from the ceiling?
And how do i do all this without people thinking i'm a loon?

nicole said...

You are sooooo totally cool! Hey then what are you talking about so I can get in the conversation? I'm really confused!

Mavis Fausker said...

She's talking about photography. More specifically, she's talking about specific pictures she has planned in her head, but has difficulty getting taken.

Bluebird, during A1, if you come in before 8:00, the weight room belongs to swimmers during the season and nobody during the off-season. If frog boy [explanation: a guy we know] can come any time in that time, and you can get out of class, I'd be willing to be the girl you need. On the downside, I'm a tad bit heavier than one would expect me to be, and I don't know if frog boy could handle me and the rest of the weight. How much can he bench? We could always give me a stool to support myself on that wasn't seen in the picture.

nicole said...

Thanks Mavis! Ok well I love photagraphy! I got a dugutal camera and I have taken just random pictures. That is photography right?

miss terri said...

just remember: long, jeans, and black. if i actually pull this off, i will kiss you both and praise Ala for eternity. oi.
we can use a bench and finangle till it works. a photographer always knows. well, sometimes. so much work. i miss landscape photo.
not really, those are snapshots. photography has more that go into it that people think. composition, light, balance, texture, focal points, contrast,...MT drills it into our heads.

Mavis Fausker said...

Don't kiss me, please. Frog boy might like it, though.

Oh, and my coach didn't mind me being late to practice. Actually, it worked like this:

I walked onto the deck, grinning sheepishly.

"Why are we late?" Coach asked.

"I was helping a friend with a photo assignment!"

"What's his name?" I told him your name, and this was his response. "If you're going to come this late to practice, it had better be for a boy!"

Ha ha. My swim coach thinks I need a boyfriend.

Lindsey said...


(End of comment.)

nicole said...

This guy named collin head seems pretty cool! So any ways This weekend is a dance and yes I get to go this time! I'm sooooo excited! YAI YA! LOL!

miss terri said...

we'll see. i'm tired. you can count the penguin as your boy if you want. you talked to him. and were working fairly closely with him.
snow sometimes makes me want a boyfriend. but i get nervous before ever goiung through with anything. i plan and scheme miserably. i fail as a girl.

Mavis Fausker said...

"Fairly closely," she says. "Awkward situation," says I. He can't be my boy. I hardly know him. I've talked to him...twice now. Once when he got home for basic and yesterday.

nicole said...

What is this about boyfriends? All I said was that he was cool! I don't even really know him! Did you think that I was saying he was cool cuz I like him? I DON"T EVEN KNOW HIM! Well that's weird!

miss terri said...

not collin, mia, though he seems nice enough. frog boy. there was an interesting photo shoot and proceeding conversation the other day.

mavis, i thought that you two got along quite nicely. though it's sad that he hung around us for half of last year and none of us talked to him. never really understood that.

Mavis Fausker said...

Well, I never had anything to say to frog boy. Besides, he always acted funny around the malamute. Since the malamute was usually present when frog boy came around, I only ever saw him while he was acting funny.

To Miamaid and others: I just realized how difficult it must be to follow what Terri and I are talking about. My sincerest apologies.

miss terri said...

i don't think that mathias liked the penguin. neither did smiley. or amicus. or the peacock. never figured that one out either.
he did act funny. most of the time actually. he mellowed out a little in basic. except now he talks about guns and cars a lot. you know that frame of mind you go into when matthias starts to talk about...anything? yeah.
we skip too many ditches and leave no crumbs for the train. hehehe, this really must make no sense at all. i'm so excited for efy!

9c said...

ohhhhh.....(only mi and kates might get this)...mavis and terri--you two remind me so much of me and my...ex-best friend...we had so many different names for people and puns you can't even sheep boy, bumblebee, beanpole man, #72, #50, not to mention all my nicknames...oh man i think i'm gonna cry...

...sorry to interupt your conversation

nicole said...

NO NO NO WAIT! Did you think I said I liked him? No No NO you got it all wrong! Like majorly wrong! No see I was making a point. I don't like collihead!
By the way why did you say not collinhead,though he seems nice enough.

Mavis Fausker said...

Miamaid, we're being utterly confusing. Terri and I don't know collin. We're talking about a fellow that we know. He is either the frog boy or the penguin, depending on our mood.

9c - then I don't feel so bad about being utterly confusing. You understand the utterly confusingness.

miss terri said...

collin seems like a nice person? you're very stressed. it's okay, either way. really.
please note that frog boy is not combat boots boy though. very important.

Miru said...

oh nicole, you are stressed about that... are you sure you don't like him? lol

oh man nancy, i love you!

Mavis Fausker said...

I had forgotten that we called combat boots boy that. Hee hee! I haven't called him that in a long time. Perhaps I'll liven up history on Tuesday.

Lindsey said...
