Thursday, January 26, 2006

my soldier hollow

we went tubing for mutual tonight. it was a lot of fun, and i'm tired, so i'll make it short and sweet.
i don't know if it's the snow, or the dark, the cold, or what, but i always find myself a little lonely in winter. dangerous place to be. mavis will soon just be rolling her eyes and saying i'm weird. and yeah, it's silly, but i sometimes want a boy. the stars were really pretty and i wanted to share it with someone. plus, holding hands when you're all bundled up and your nose is cold is the best.
i need to go to bed. tired.


Mavis Fausker said...

*rolls eyes*
You're weird.

(What's wrong with being predictable?)

nicole said...

hey look on your last blog! So there is a dance tommorow and there is like this mystery man that my friend wants me to meet. Weird huh!

miss terri said...

well, he must not be a complete mystery if your friend knows him.

i had something real that i was going to post, but by the time that i got home, my brain had frost on it and was a little fuzzy. i'm allowed to be a hopeless romantic from time to time! i don't get to fly south OR hybernate.

miss terri said...

on the upside, if the mv people ever hear us talking, it'll pretty much be a dead give away. hahaha! what's brown and sticky?

nicole said...

SAP! You know off of a tree!

miss terri said...

a stick!

miss terri said...

what's red and green and goes at 90 mph?

nicole said...

ooo this is a hard one.......... A red car with a christmas tree on top and racing! That's a good answer!

nicole said...

Sorry I kinda wrote on your last blog by accident. See I thought it was this one but I guess I was mistaken! OOPS!:p

Mavis Fausker said...


What's black-white-black-white-black-white?

You know, bluebird, sometimes I'm a hopeless romantic too. Otherwise, how would I ever have decided to write Blanchette? But that's just the thing. I live in my own head to such a degree, that all my random impulses come out in writing, instead of in actions.

nicole said...

That's really gross mavis! Although it was kinda funny:P. So miss terri and mavis what collin are you talking about? Cause i'm really confused someone needs to explain it to me!

nicole said...

Miss Terri look on my blog it's hilarious!

miss terri said...


frog boy's name isn't collin. FG= a person that we know and hang out with on occasion (mostly me).
collin goes to another school and is amigos with eyes and 9c.

articles are harder to incorperate romance into, plus, they aren't assigned nearly as often. *sigh*


Miru said...

well... uh.... just cuz i'm cool, i'm going to jump into the conversation, lol

what's green and has wheels?

Mavis Fausker said...

I've never heard this one before. An Omega (old car that was green and putrid)?


Miru said...

hahhahaha! no!


I was kidding about the wheels...