Saturday, April 22, 2006


today has been a day And a Half. uhg. i blame mavis. and snowy. and zach. and myself.
but i'll start at the beginning. so, what, two weeks ago? i was offered a free chem test at the byu. my chem teacher, zach, offered everyone in his class extra credit if they went and took the test. it was only an hour long and i can always use the extra credit, not to mention the test experience. well, mavis and i got the two high scores, a single point apart. since she got the highest score, she would advance and take another test. BUT! her polo ponies stole her away, so i was to take her place. the problem was that nobody knew when exactly the test was, or where it was. and then spring break happened. i tried Everything. i asked my teacher, i asked the other teacher, i asked mavis, i looked on the ACS webside, i looked on the byu's website, i emailed averyone i could think of, and i got Nothin'!
what was i supposed to DO?! i gave up. so this morning, the scheduled morning of the test, i woke up easily, and started eating my breakfast. that is, until the phone rang. Hello? a paniced mrs. snow responded. "terri. you're scheduled to take the test today. where are you?!" she quickly told me where the test was, and i threw on some clothes, grabbed my calculator, and rushed down to the bensen building. i started fifteen minutes later than everyone else, and i soon realized that most of the questions were way deeper than my little pond's worth of knowledge could facilitate. DOOMED! so i guessed. i filled in bubbles like there was no yesterday, cursing the fact that we had an uber crappy cheat sheet the entire time.
that was the easy part. the free response section was Much harder to fake. it doesn't help that i'm a super slow test-taker. i only finished five of the seven questions given to us. i was SO frustrated.
it was noon by now and the eggs in my tummy had curdled, leaving me with a rather queasy feeling. but it STILL wasn't over! they guided the eight of us students, including me, into the laboratory, and handed us each a packet. again, DOOMED! i opened the packet and had no idea where to even start. well, i had an idea, but i could remember the math.
i got as far as i could on the first question, and jumped into the second. we were to identify an unknown metal given 3 molar hcl and some phenolphalen (i love that stuff! chemistry is way better in hot pink!). i had no idea what to do, but i started in anyway. as soon as i uncapped the metal, my nose started to bleed. SHOOT!! i bolted to the bathroom. by the time that i got back, i had ten minutes left to finish. AHH! i made it ALL up, mixing whatever i could get my hands on and taking measurements. i wrote down whatever the first words that came to mind were(thank goodness they were in English. i think), and concluded that the silvery metal was, indead, silver.
i finally crawled home at 3:30. my eyes are still twitching.


mystery man12 said...

first to comment dibs
one drop raises the sea that is all I have to say

collinhead said...

sounds like my day... stupid tests. always get ya. no wait, i slept until 2 and played video games all day. sorry, my bad.

nicole said...

What I'm on fire? Oh right....your campfire? What I am really confused! At least I know your not dead! So, what did you do the last day of your break? Me, I didn't have break! OMG I SAW THE SADDEST MOVIE EVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE....A WALK TO REMEMBER.....I CRYED SOOOO MUCH LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GUYS OUT THERE....YOU REALLY NEED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE BECAUSE YOU CAN LEARN A GREAT LESSON FROM IT!!!!!!

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, ain't it great how I dumped that on your doorstep?

As it might cause you grief to know, I fully intended to give you the information I just rediscovered, but I forgot. When I first said I'd take the test, I was given an email that said this: "...invited to come to BYU Benson Building on April 22, 2006 at 9:00 AM for the National Exam... [test is in three parts]...each section will take 1.5 hours. Lunch will be provided...[list of students and alternates]"

Funny how things like that work out, huh?
*sheepishly runs away*

collinhead said...

yeah, i've seen it. if theres anything i've gained from having all chick friends is that i see a lot of chick flicks.

nicole said...

Omg isn't that the saddest movie you have ever seen collin?

miss terri said...

you silly sheep. i could sheer you. :P that's what you get. yippi ki-A and a bottle of rum!

nicole said...

What the heck? Can you translate that?
IN ENGLISH!!!!!!!!

miss terri said...

which part and how in depth?

nicole said...


collinhead said...


miss terri said...

um, not sure i can do that for you. i have trouble explaining a situation logically when i'm tied up in the middle of it. or after, really. sorry. try and glean what you can, i suppose.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the posting.
I am glad you like my photography.
Come back again soon. I post new photos a couple times a week.

Heather Jean

nicole said...

Look at collin's new blog to see what happened to me!

miss terri said...

i will. thank you!

Noelle said...

ouch, that's a pretty sick day