Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Open UP!

just when you thought that poetry was safe...
from the depths of the orem media center comes...Open Mic Night. Yes, Open Mic Night. the public has never seen anything like this before, even on the weekends. national poetry month will take on whole new meaning. imagine the Fear! the Passion! the sKipped ditches and ConFuZZled Faces! BWAhaHaha! Ha!
seriously folks, it's gonna be fun. april pretty much rocks at the library. open mic is friday night, starting with chillins at 7, then opening to others at 8. any and all should go. i'm breaking out the zoot suit and sunglasses. berets anyone?
*oh hey, and other jazz is up on the library calender. it's pwetty awesome: http://www.oremlibrary.org/index_files/events.htm


Noelle said...

NO! I'm going to be gone again *convulsions and sobs* Band...tour...*sniff*

collinhead said...

hmm, sounds interesting. maybe i'll go for kicks and giggles.

miss terri said...

nooo! how is it that i have the worst scheduling ever? i don't understand it. no worries though; it'll work sometime. one day...i Believe!

Miru said...

sounds like a partay to me! if i can go, i am so there

nicole said...

SO what r you doing right now? R you having a great adventure? Me no because I still have school wow my mom keeps bringing up the fact that I don't personally know you and that your going to rape me or something!!!!! I hate it when parents do that!!!!! It's none of their bussness who I talk to or not!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish they would leave me be!!!!!
Have a fun break!!!!!

miss terri said...

sounds like you have good parents. the internet is a scary place. it's very much their business.
but, have fun in school. work hard, it's important. only a month left. you can do it.
woohoo! i love the library!

nicole said...

Wait when do you guys get out of school? We get out june 13! OH YA!!!!! Ya we has the washington state test going on right now....or it's called the WASL!!!! I don't know what it stands for though!!! It's for 4th,7th,8th,and 10th graders!!! 10th graders have to pass with at least a B to graduate!!!! I will be taking it next year....
How old are your parents between eachother..My mom is 4 years older than my dad! Do you think that is weird.....I don't think its all that bad or not even at all!

miss terri said...

it depends. my mom is three months older than my dad. it's never really been that big of a deal. personally, i like the older guys, but it may have to do with that fact that i'm somewhat the baby of the family.

Mavis Fausker said...

I think that the older you get, the less a year means.

Wait, is this thing today? Meh, I guess I missed it. I have water polo jazz to do tonight anyway. I need to get pumped up for the game tomorrow, or my lack of practice for an entire week is going to be the death of me.

Have fun without me! Terri, I'll see you tomorrow, I promise (I have to make myself take that test somehow, even if I DON'T know Nernst's silly equation yet).

nicole said...

Comment me......so i know your not dead!
as you prolly can tell I am really bored!

miss terri said...

nernst and me, we're buds. i know his equations. they're pretty jazzy.
hehe, uh, i didn't go. i went up the canyon and played commandos with the green boy and the penguin. hmm, i'll write a post on it.
quick! get the defribulators! the maids going up in smoke! er, uh, wait. that's me from the campfire.